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 Awakenings Institute


Holistic Healing Certification Course

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Why is it so helpful to have a personal session(s)?

We all have personal obstacles to our greater freedom, some of which we've been carrying since childhood. It's difficult to sort out deep, core issues by yourself. Why not save yourself time and energy?  Drawing on about three decades of experience in the fields of personal and spiritual development, Phillip or Jane Mountrose can assist you in releasing what is holding you back. Personal Consultations can eliminate years, or even decades, of stress, freeing you to live the life you truly desire. 

Personal sessions will:

  • Save you time by not having to spend years of trial and error figuring out how to create the life you really want

  • Save you energy by eliminating the big and small things that are holding you back

  • Save you money by not wasting resources and making poor life choices; instead you will be able to fully manifest what truly brings you prosperity -- easily and joyously

As a note, after having had hundreds of transformational personal sessions over the past fifteen years, the Mountroses have found phone sessions to be equally effective as in-person sessions. 

What should I expect from a session?

You can expect to have whatever is up for you  --improved relationships, life purpose realization, prosperity -- to be immediately shifted. In the longer-term, you will notice progressive improvements, as you integrate the healing and insights from the session. Each session will hold invaluable insights and help you measurably reach your goals.

How many sessions might be required?

There are different programs, the basic holistic healing/spiritual growth program (3 sessions of 60 minutes) and the advanced holistic healing/spiritual growth program ( 6 sessions of 60 minutes plus Getting Thru to Your Soul healing CDs). Some people choose to go further as well. Of course, you can begin with an introductory session.

The different options available to you are:

  • Initial Session

  • Basic Healing/Spiritual Growth Program (3 sessions)

  • Accelerated Healing/Spiritual Growth Program (6-Sessions includes Getting Thru to Your Soul healing CDs) 

  • Maintenance Program (In-Depth extended Individual Programs) to integrate work over longer periods.

  • Individualized 1/2 day to 2-day/weekend Journeys in different locations with follow ups. 

Full sessions last approximately 60-70 minutes and may occur from your phone anywhere in the United States. For details contact Phillip or Jane Mountrose for a free 15 minute consultation.

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What is energy healing?

Energy healing addresses the 'subtle energy body' that governs the physical body. Working directly with the emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions of this energy body, the healer affects the healing and release of blocked and distorted energy patterns, enabling the innate intelligence to operate freely. Energy healing restores physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. 

We use soul centering (the soul being one's greatest inner healer and guide) to help people discover the truth for themselves. We use EFT, NLP, Spiritual Kinesiology, holistic hypnotherapy and more modalities in the sessions, whatever is best for getting the results you want. We have designed a special SK Matrix System that, with the aid of muscle testing, intuitively helps us choose exactly what are the best ways and best order to accomplish what you want.,

What can energy healing help with?

We specialize in helping people live their life purpose and manifest their dreams. This might include career development, relationship compatibility, eliminating bad habits and addictions, and soul and intuition development.

Sessions can help you in such areas as:

  • Discovering and realizing your life purpose

  • Career development

  • Manifestation

  • Learning specific techniques to manifest what you want

  • Dealing with fears, phobias, and other difficult emotions

  • Weight management

  • Improving relationships

  • Ways to enhance and transform the aging process

  • Performance enhancement in school, sports, and business

  • Personal and spiritual growth

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How quickly can I expect to see results?

Many people experience instant results.  Personal sessions are an investment in you; they will transform your current situation and align it with your life purpose and life filled with more joy. Noticeable results will occur, depending on exactly what is right for you. What's more, the deep personal results you get will last a lifetime.

What things can I follow up with after my session?

Part of each session includes specific follow-up strategies to integrate what you have learned, how to apply it to your daily life. You will also get specific strategies  on how to take things even further. In organic and congruent ways, you will find the perfect daily affirmations to use and specific suggestions to create a balanced holistic lifestyle.

How long have you been doing what you do?

We started individual sessions with people in 1992 and developed Awakenings Institute over the past decade, an organization devoted to helping people awaken to their life purpose and manifest their dreams.  We have become pioneers in the energy-healing field and recognized holistic experts. We have produced dozens of holistic healing programs, classes, books, CDs, DVDs and teleseminars, in addition to our monthly email newsletter the Soul News. It's been very gratifying to help thousands of people over the years clear blocks, live their true purpose and manifest their dreams.

Who are your clients exactly?

Professions we've worked with run the whole gamut. They include:

  • Life/Personal Coaches
  • Massage Therapists 
  • Holistic Health Counselors
  • Chiropractors
  • Nutritionists
  • Consultants
  • Those starting in the alternative holistic healing field
  • Energy Healers
  • Therapists
  • Anyone interested in realizing their purpose, optimal health and healthy relationships
  • Business owners and managers

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 What will I receive from a session(s)?

  • Invaluable information and insights about yourself that will improve any area of your life -- for now and the rest of your life

  • Easy-to-use powerful healing techniques that you can use whenever needed or desired

  • An acknowledgement of your gifts and strengths and how you can apply them more to your life

  • Specific transformational affirmations tailored for your next step, designed so that you can easily use them regularly to maintain and enhance the profound results of your individual session

  • Follow-up strategies from the consultation on how to easily apply and integrate what you have learned for further, continuing success

  • Particular suggestions custom-designed so you can enjoy a more holistic lifestyle, balancing such elements as energetic and environmental influences, lifestyle choices, diet, exercise, and other key areas for your joy and lifelong fulfillment

  • A record of the highlights of the session 

A private session will give you a wealth of resources and insights to take your life to a whole new level.

If I'm not sure I'm ready to get started, how can I sample your work at low cost to see if it's the right solution for me?

See our many resources and products on energy healing and spiritual growth healing. Another way is to subscribe to our free monthly e-newsletter the Soul News.

What have people said about your sessions (testimonials)?

"Phillip has a wonderful toolbox of processes and they really work! I now feel much better about myself and have seen dramatic results in relationships with my family. The triggers are gone and I'm much more centered. I highly recommend his services."
- KC Metheny, Registered Nurse,

"After working with Phillip for just one session, I no longer needed to use sleeping pills, which I had used for over the past five years to help me sleep. My chronic fatigue was greatly reduced as well." 
-- Merlin Hayes, Business Owner, 

"In just one session with Phillip, I feel so much safer regarding my fears of death, which has affected so many areas of my life. In previous sessions, he's also really helped me clear fears and anxieties, too. I'm much more confident now."
--Joshua B., Life and Business Coach

"Phillip has an incredible amount of knowledge and skills in different healing modalities. He can help people from diverse backgrounds. I really appreciate his grounded spirituality, free of any personal agendas. He helped me to focus and put things in a bigger context, so I could do the clearing work I needed."
-- Linyi Hsing, Personal Growth Guide and Teacher

"Working with Jane saved my life. I used to be fixed on negative choices, but now my life is going in positive directions." -- Mary Jaworski, Business Administrator

"Phillip helped me in the most difficult time of my life. He helped me make sense of what I was going through and clear deep psychological imbalances. He showed me how to understand a higher level of spirituality and how to integrate it into my everyday life."  -- Roula, Nutritionist

"Phillip and Jane Mountrose are supportive in strength and deep in spirit. They help clients and students move through doors that make dynamic differences in their lives."
-- Kathi Gibson, Massage Therapist, Hypnotherapist and Artist

"I greatly value my work with Phillip. He holds such a clear bright Presence for healing to happen in an accelerated way!" -- Sue Stebbins, The Breakthrough Coach,

Call Phillip or Jane today for a Free 15-minute consultation or for more information at:  805-931-0129.   Skype: phillip.mountrose

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