Awakenings Institute

Personal Sessions

Transformational Individual Sessions for a more fulfilling life

The Best Time for a Fresh Start is Now

With anxiety and depression on the rise, it's easy to get swept up by personal situations and what's going on in the world. You can keep having negative thoughts and don't feel well. You can get tired of the pain and lack of energy, not feeling like yourself anymore.

But you don't have to settle for this.  Much more happiness and fulfillment is possible.

Maybe this is a good time to get personal help  -- for learning effective approaches to heal, grow, and live with more purpose and meaning?

If so, you’ll find that individual spiritual healing, coaching, and counseling sessions with Phillip or Jane Mountrose are uniquely transformational, supportive, and empowering.

These effective personal sessions are for those who are seeking: 

  • Getting unstuck
  • Resolving relationship issues
  • Clarity for decision making and guidance on direction
  • Understanding your life purpose and your progress on the spiritual journey
  • Relieving stress and overwhelm
  • Accelerated spiritual growth
  • Changing unproductive behavior and patterns
  • Opening to your full potential and brightest possible future

If any or all of these are important to you, Phillip and Jane Mountrose would be happy to connect with you. After over 30 years in the holistic healing and coaching field we've been through a lot personally and helped many people transform their lives. We've been through the dark night of the soul and bounced back to create a whole new life, first for ourselves and then for those they now serve.

Consider this: what might be possible with the personal support of a veteran holistic/spiritual healer, coach, and teacher who has been where you are and knows how to get where you want to go. 

Rainbow of Hearts

Who are Phillip and Jane Mountrose?

Phillip and Jane Mountrose are the Founding Directors of Awakenings Institute, a non-profit organization devoted to creating more loving world. They draw on more than three decades of experience to conduct empowering personal sessions designed with holistic/spiritual healers, counselors, coaches, and seekers in mind..

Personal sessions with Phillip or Jane are conducted with care to bring out the best in you. They understand that each person needs a personal approach that recognizes and honors your unique gifts and challenges.

Why are personal sessions with them so effective? They draw on three powerful sources:

  • Methods that are evidence-based from science and psychology
  • Wisdom-based traditions handed down and used through the ages
  • The Mountroses' personal results from working with hundreds of people over three decades

In their sessions, you'll get uplifting insights, healings, and tools you can use to move more freely forward in your life. Their intuitive skills have an ability to peer through daily occurrences and significant challenges and deliver a clear path of guidance.

Rainbow of Hearts

Even after only one session here is what you can expect:

  • Practical, transformational changes and accelerated personal and spiritual growth
  • Significant improvement in just one session
  • Discover hidden obstacles and limiting beliefs and how to overcome them.
  • Self-empowerment tools for supporting you in move confidently and effectively forward in your life
  • Gain energy, clarity, and lightness of being
  • New awareness and opportunities for growth  with support from us

How It Works

Using online sessions on Zoom, we tune in to pinpoint core issues. Then we help you resolve them with a body-mind-spirit approach.  

Using energy healing like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and other holistic approaches, you can organically free yourself of constricting emotions and problems.  Then organic, soulful solutions come to light.  These are practical and customized for you.

Technology now makes it easy for you to speak “face-to-face” with Phillip or Jane from anywhere in the world. If you have a computer with a webcam, a smartphone, or tablet, their support is just a few clicks away. If you prefer, telephone sessions are also available from your phone.

Phillip and Jane both have a unique ability to pinpoint what’s holding people back, clear the roadblocks, and find effective solutions for moving more freely forward.

Nothing changes until you do. If not now when? With support, your life can change in wonderful ways, sometimes in ways that will surprise and delight you.

Choose the Right Option for You:


Free 20-minute Discovery Session

We can discuss how to help you and answer questions



Single Full Session

60-75 minutes

Get targeted support, deep healing and clearing and support to go forward



Three Full Sessions

Three full sessions
Get targeted ongoing support; deep healing and guidance.
Establish crystal-clear clarity and direction for yourself.


Awakenings Instutute