Powerful & Profound Approaches to Holistic/Spiritual Coaching & Healing with Holistic EFT & More...
Transformational courses & offerings from Awakenings Institute, a non-profit organization devoted to creating a more loving world.

Are you looking to go deeper into understanding reality and accelerating your spiritual growth? Do you want to accelerate your spiritual growth and make a difference? Are you looking for a holistic/spiritual approach to coaching and healing with powerful tools and approaches that transform lives?
Maybe you're a budding holistic/spiritual coach, healer, or lightworker who's ready to realize your full potential. Maybe you’re in the health care field, a business person, artist, speaker, author, teacher or holistically minded seeker... For both personal and professional growth, the right training, knowledge and support can make all the difference.

You'll get instant access to:
* an enlightening excerpt from the book Awakening to Your Magnificence
* an Archangel Checklist describing how to connect with them
* how to do Holistic EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) with an uplifting “Happy Tap” EFT video
Holistic EFT and Spiritual Coach and Spiritual Guidance Training Courses from Awakenings Institute
All of the courses and offerings on this website are provided by Awakenings Institute, a non-profit organization with a mission of creating a more loving world where each individual's gifts are honored and nurtured.
Awakenings' heart-centered Holistic EFT and Spiritual Coaching Training Courses further this mission of making the world a better place. Also learn how to greatly develop your own spiritual guidance to help yourself and others. These trainings have reached thousands of lives over more than twenty years now, with positive results.
Whatever you do now, courses that teach you the most effective holistic/spiritual approaches to EFT and coaching can make a dramatic difference for you, both personally and professionally. And certification can prepare you for the future your heart desires.
Why Consider Targeted Holistic/Spiritual Training?
A holistic approach is the way of the future - integrating the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Here's what you need to grow: the right tools, knowledge and support ...
- You have unique gifts and talents -- it's a matter of developing them with the right training and learning skills that will build your confidence so you can do more.
- There is so much more to life than meets the eye to understand yourself and your reality. At Awakenings Institute, you can learn how to tap into a new depth of spirit, using precise Holistic EFT and Spiritual Coaching skills that produce profound, lasting results.
Holistic/Spiritual Coach and Healer Training Options
Awakenings Institute specializes in providing powerful and profound trainings for holistic/spiritual coaches, healers, lightworkers, and more.
Choose your next step from one of the following:
Holistic/Spiritual Coaching & Healing Live Online Certification with EFT
In-depth Coaching and Healing Certification Program -- live online training, with all classes recorded.
Holistic/Spiritual University Degree Programs
Receive a Bachelor, Master, or Doctor of Divinity Degree with a major in virtually any holistic/spiritual field -- from Awakenings Institute that is on the leading edge of higher education.
Holistic Ministry Training
and Ordination
Become an ordained holistic minister in an interfaith environment that honors your unique calling, Training taken online.
Spiritual Guidance
Online Certification
Accelerate your growth and learn how to develop your intuition by connecting with angels, higher guides, the akashic records and special oracles..A unique, effective and empowering training.
Benefits of Studying at Awakenings Institute
Awakenings Institute is unique and deep in spirit. Students report experiencing significant results. They integrate powerful skills derived from Holistic Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neuorlinguistic Programming), personal and spiritual growth, spiritual healing, intuitive development, and more.
Courses also include detailed, easy-to-follow study materials by your instructors, Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose. These books, manuals, audios, and videos are valuable resources you can refer to for refreshers and continued learning year after year,

Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose (Authors, Trainers, Coaches) are the Founding Directors of Awakenings Institute. The Mountroses have been active as researchers, teachers and published authors in the areas of spiritual development, holistic life coaching and healing with EFT and more for almost three decades.
The Mountroses' passion in life revolves around helping their students and clients to overcome challenges, discover their purpose -- their reason for being alive -- and creating vibrantly wonderful lives. In addition to professional training, accelerated personal and spiritual development are central to their teachings.
You, too, can be part of the change you wish to see in the world
and you can start now with your FREE "Resource Kit."

You'll get instant access to: an enlightening excerpt from the book The Loving Power of the Soul, the empowering “Aliveness Checklist,” an uplifting video of the “Happy Tap” healing process with EFT, and more...
"How wonderful it is
that nobody need wait a single moment
before starting to improve the world."
-- Anne Frank