Awakenings Institute is pleased to offer the groundbreaking Ebook: The Solution: Make a Difference and Change the World with the Power of Love.
The book is free and its message is simple:
"Love is the solution."
Our mission at Awakenings Institute is to get this message out by providing this simple book for free to as many people as possible all around the world.

As you'll see, this book can change lives and make a difference in our troubled world. It was written with the goal of sharing it with as many people as possible, and we need your help.
it's time to stand up and be part of the change we want to see in the world.
If you believe, as we do, that love is the solution, or if you're just curious to know more, we invite you to get your free copy now. There's much to gain and virtually nothing to lose.
Here’s what people are saying about The Solution:
"I loved this book! It's simple and clear and very inspirational. I felt love in each word an empowered to open my heart more fully to love and to create a world of balance and harmony. I envision a world where each of us can be happy and co-create from love and not fear. I really liked the quotes at the beginning of each chapter. they allow the reader to go back in time, observe and understand that love has been and will always be the life generator, and the solution to any issue."
- Loola Mora, Transformational Wellness Life Coach
"In this heart-centered and timely book, The Solution, Jane Mountrose along with her husband Phillip, provide an essential and effective guide encouraging us to realize our innate magnificence as conscious beings of love. Each inspiring page shows us how we make a profound difference in our world when we come from love."
-Harold W. Becker, Author and Founder of
The Love Foundation, Inc.
"This powerful little book provides vital, timeless information that is applicable for anyone who wants to co-create a more loving world. Jane Mountrose provides sweet little nuggets of loving guidance that we can savor now and in 20 years from now. It's so empowering and positive, you'll want to read it again and again!"
- Gretchen Comer, Empowerment Coach
Want to Know How to Make a Difference and Change the World?
Here’s an excerpt from the The Solution that provides an overview.
You may wonder how love could make a meaningful difference. If so, the facts you’ll find in this little book may surprise you. Love is the most powerful force for good in the world. And when you consider the potential impact of the power of love on the overwhelming challenges we face personally and collectively as a society, this solution may start to make sense.
You Really Can Change the World
Here’s what we find most exciting. Anyone can choose love and help to make the world a better place. The miraculous power of love became clear to us in the 1990’s, when Phillip and I first imagined what the world would be like if everyone was motivated by love. When I envisioned a more loving world, I saw an image in my mind of the planet with people all around the world who were joyful, caring, healthy, and vibrantly alive.
This vision was an epiphany that changed our lives forever. With love as the guiding force, it became clear to both of us that there would be no hunger, because everyone would share from the generosity of their hearts and lack would be a thing of the past.
Opening more hearts is the key here. As Carl Jung noted:
“Your vision will only become clear
when you look into your own heart.”
This highlights the importance of stepping up to make a difference and sharing the love. In our vision of a more loving world, there also would be no war, because love would unite all of humanity in a spirit of caring kindness. The environment would also benefit, because the people would take loving care of their homes and surroundings. All of the creatures and vegetation on the land and in the seas would likewise benefit from the loving care of earth’s inhabitants.
We couldn’t ignore this vision, and seeing it become a reality became our dream. Ever since that time, we have devoted our lives to supporting people in opening their hearts and creating a more loving world.
You Can See It Too
Anyone with an open mind and an open heart can see what we see. Visualizing may be a somewhat new experience for some people, and that’s fine. Everyone can imagine this loving world in their own way.
Just take a moment to imagine living in a world where love and happiness reign. It’s a friendly place, where the unique gifts that each person brings are honored and nurtured, where people look out for the well-being of everyone around them, where everyone and everything can thrive.
It may feel clear from this perspective that there could be no poverty, because everyone would care for one another. There could be no war, because no one would have the heart to wound others. And through love, equitable solutions to challenges to the challenges we face as a society would emerge. Overall, there could be no exclusion of any good thing for anyone or anything.
At first glance, this vision of the world may seem to be idealistic and impossible to attain. Many of the major cultural shifts throughout human history have appeared to be impossible until they weren’t. The fact is that life is a series of choices and decisions. The choices we make each day ultimately determine who we become, along with the quality of the lives we lead individually and collectively.
With love in your heart, is it an impossible stretch to believe that what we imagine we can create? Could humanity unite behind the possibility of creating a friendly world where everyone can thrive with love and with happiness? And if not this, then what? If not now, then when?
We can collectively make this choice of creating a more loving world the opportunity of a lifetime. With some evidence of the effectiveness of this approach, it’s possible that more and more people can open to this opportunity over time.
The first part of the book provides tangible proof that love is the solution. You’ll find evidence in each of the following models:
Of course, there's more. The second part of the book describes how you can take charge of your destiny and be part of the change you want to see in the world.
Learn More: You CAN Make a Difference and Change the World
You may be surprised to learn how easy and fun it can be to make a difference and change the world with the power of love.
“I believe that every single event in life happens
in an opportunity to choose love over fear.”
- Oprah Winfrey