Awakenings Institute

What is Soul Awakening?

Soul awakening is an intriguing concept that could be defined in various ways. Many of us are at a loss to describe it. This isn’t surprising, considering our diversity. As individuals, we come from different cultures with different perspectives on spiritual development. Each of us also has unique traits and tendencies, so the journey is different for each person.

Soul Awakenings Quote

Fortunately, there are also common threads that unite us all, which is the focus here and at Awakenings Institute. When we awaken to the realization that there is more to life than meets the eye, we enter a process of transformation that awakens the soul and our ability to integrate higher levels of awareness.

Currently, the soul seems elusive to many people. They may sense it to be real, but without direct experience of the soul’s awakening, it can feel abstract. With the right tools, this can change and experiencing the beauty of the soul is easily possible. All we need is an open mind and an open heart.

We sense that there is more to explore;
that beyond our tangible world there is another
level of reality with deeper significance.

How to Awaken the Soul

In our research and explorations of soul awakening over more than 25 years, we have found a holistic approach to spiritual development the most objective. From the earliest times in recorded history, spiritual traditions sprouted up in cultures all around the world. The common thread in these early traditions is their holistic view.

Everything is alive and everything is energy. Everything is connected; and everything has significance and meaning. Taking it full circle, quantum physics is now proving the truth of this timeless wisdom.

With the connectedness of all things, it makes sense that soul awakening emerges from the heart. It’s the center of our being and the loving energy of the heart emanates connectedness. It’s interesting that most of us point to the area around the heart when asked to point to ourselves. While we identify ourselves with the thoughts that run through our heads, something inside us understands that our deeper nature emerges from the heart.

For anyone wanting to awaken the soul, here’s the bottom line:

The essence of the soul is love.

The Role of Love in Soul Awakening

When we open to the love we hold in our hearts, we awaken the soul. It’s that simple. And the more we embrace the loving qualities of the heart, the more we experience the light and wisdom of the soul. These uplifting qualities include gratitude, joy, flow, ease, and more.

As a key to spiritual awakening, anyone can connect with the loving energy of the soul to access higher truth and wisdom. We all commonly share phrases like “follow your heart,” “I feel this with all my heart” and “love is the answer” without thinking about what this means.

It’s also interesting that the words “heart and soul” are commonly linked in popular culture. In a moment of deep feeling, we may spontaneously place our hands on our hearts, as if focusing on the energy there.

At a deep level,
we all recognize the significance of the heart and soul.

When we follow the loving promptings of the heart, we sense that we are going in the right direction. And the soul rejoices…

Awakening the Soul with Soul Centering

We teach a process we call Soul Centering (follow this link to access the process) for awakening the soul and activating its presence. When we learned this process in the late 1980’s, our lives changed dramatically from our first conscious experience of the soul.

At that time, Jane was feeling unfulfilled and seeking something more. Her life energy was waning, along with her enthusiasm. Without knowing what this might mean, she felt that her soul was dying. Since that time, we’ve heard countless stories of people who have had similar experiences, where they simply could not continue on the same course.

It might be more accurate to say that Jane’s soul was calling and the Soul Centering process was the synchronous answer. Her soul’s awakening was a turning point. She started practicing this process every day and jotting down the messages she received from the soul. A new reality was emerging.

Before her soul awakening, Jane dreaded getting up in the morning. You may know the feeling. Something was missing. When she learned Soul Centering, she became so excited about her awakening and her life that she couldn’t wait to start each new day. Now, more than 25 years later, her enthusiasm about life is equally high.

Soul Awakening and Accessing the Soul’s Inner Guidance

Accessing the soul’s inner guidance is a wonderful benefit of Soul Centering. With this guidance, our enthusiasm for soul awakening and understanding the soul’s journey led us to become holistic professionals and ministers of holistic healing. Thousands of our readers, students, and clients have been exposed to Soul Centering, along with many other methods we learned, developed, and now teach in our transformational Holistic Coaching and Healing Program.

Here’s how some of our students and clients describe being centered in the light and wisdom of the soul:

“It’s a stillness, stopping activity and busyness; a quiet, centered place, not for or against, neutral without controlling.”

“I experience an expansive unconditionally loving energy that transforms conflicts.”

“A bright, sparkly, energetic feeling comes over my whole being, a knowingness and expansive feeling.”

“I feel totally open, with a large expanse above me. It is very uplifting, connecting to my higher power. There is so much more than I ever realized.”

“Being centered in my soul creates a serene and peaceful view of life. Everything is as it is meant to be.”

“It is an absolute knowing that all is well. I am at peace with myself in the world.”

“I feel deep peace and tranquility. With that comes a heightened sense of knowingness free of fear, negativity, and uncertainty. I’m a different person, the person I am meant to be, with all of the fragmented aspects blended into one.”

This just the tip of the iceberg. You can do a lot more once you awaken the loving energy of the soul. These quotes were taken from our book Getting Thru to Your Soul. This book details the soul’s journey, along with processes for clearing obstacles and accelerate spiritual awakening.

The Heart and Soul of Awakenings Institute

Connecting with the loving energy of the soul led us to a mission. We founded Awakenings Institute in 1996 as we developed our courses and programs. The Institute was incorporated as a legal non-profit in 2004. It became clear to us that love is the “soulution” to the tremendous challenges humanity faces.

We started to teach our premier program in 1994 and it has evolved along with us for more than 20 years now.

A Call to Soul Awakening

If everyone was motivated by love and connectedness rather than fear and separation, poverty, starvation, religious conflict, war and more would quickly lose their hold on the world. Soul awakening is the obvious key. We invite you to experience Soul Centering and practice it every day to open to a new world of possibilities.

CLICK HERE to learn how to connect with the light and wisdom that resides within you.

If you find Soul Centering and soul awakening to be valuable, we would also appreciate it if you would share it with others. With love, we can change the world.

As we transcend our normal awareness and open to the higher realms, we can access the light and wisdom of the soul.

How to Learn More About the Holistic Coaching and Healing Certification Program

This program truly transforms lives. With more than 20 years of teaching, we have also witnessed the kinds of transformational changes that are possible with the techniques we teach.

If you are seeking a program to accelerate your spiritual development and/or for professional training, you’ll find that there is nothing like it anywhere.

CLICK HERE to learn more about the program.

Want to talk?

Our work is our life’s mission, teaching open-minded individuals how to achieve genuine freedom for themselves and those they serve. We’d be delighted to speak with you. If you are interested in a free planning session to discuss your possibilities, you can get started now.

Schedule Your Personal Planning Session Here.


Awakenings Instutute