Developing Intuition and Spiritual Growth with Oracles

A Mystery School Training for Learning Transformational Tools 
for Transformational Times

Are you interested in self-mastery?

Do you enjoy experiential learning -- the kind that deepens knowledge into being and knowingness?

Would you like knowing how to use a powerful spiritual tool to help yourself and others that you help?

Developing your intuition is crucial to your spiritual development. It entails going beyond your logical mind to discover deeper answers and gain greater awareness.

In these pivotal, turbulent times, the world needs you. Now is the time to learn how to create the future you want.

But how do you develop your intuition?

Why Oracles Accelerate Your Spiritual Growth and Intuition

Oracle decks have cards showing an image with an associated phrase or word. The cards
can be laid out in any format used for guidance and awareness. 
Our targeted training has been developed to meet the urgent needs of our times.

This course will give your life deeper meaning. This translates into a spiritual depth that you can use in your everyday life. In the process, you will learn easy, fun and powerful ways to manifest.

This hands-on experience includes clearing blocks to your success -- plus drawing on powerful invisible resources like your own soul and archangels (it's easier than you might think).

As you learn from the oracle's wonderful light and wisdom, you will be given a direct path for raising your awareness. It will light your way, bringing more love and energy into your life. Your newfound awareness will radiate out to others and the world at large.

The Right Tools, Knowledge and Support

Having the right tools, knowledge and support makes all the difference. And you will have this wisdom and know-how for the rest of your life.

Using specially selected oracle decks, we've streamlined how to use them for profound insights, states and guidance. And this approach is easier than you think.

This Intuition and Oracles Course is now one of three complementary courses in Awakenings Institute's Spiritual Guide Certification Program. It's a live, in-depth training with lots of support. Find out about the Spiritual Guidance Program.

To get started receive a free excerpt below from the exclusive overview reference book for the Spiritual Guide Program. It includes connecting with ascended masters and using oracles for spiritual growth and much more.

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Spiritual Living, Guidance and Healing