Spiritual Living, Guidance and Healing

Accelerating Spiritual Growth: Real Tools for Real Change

What do you need to live your best life? Real tools for real change.

Certain things in life have such depth and value, it’s well worth spending time and energy developing mastery of them. Over many years, we have found holistic/spiritual coaching and healing to have such extraordinary value and results.

Here’s something most people don’t realize. You need both coaching and healing. The coaching, the masculine part, serves more action-oriented, rational and goal oriented. The feminine, the complementary part, promotes nurturing, intuition, and relations.

To evolve, you want to keep both in balance — not over- or underactive. Too much masculine and you can become cold, rigid and controlling. Too much feminine, you can become overly emotional, people-pleasing and lack boundaries.

Having the right holistic coaching and healing tools balances these dynamic elements in the moment and when needed.

By learning how to coach and heal yourself (and sometimes others), you develop inner wisdom. The channel Lazaris defines wisdom as seeing the big picture while being aware of the current picture.

For instance, you may have “failed” in some task, job or relationship for now. The question then to ask is how does that fit into the big picture of where you want to go? What are learning?

A Third Key Tool

In recent years, we’ve discovered another key for developing depth and mastery for your life. It serves as another real tool for real change.

(As a note, this pithy phrase “real tools for real change” came to us from one of our graduates Clara. She used it to summarize what she had received from our Spiritual Coach Healing Program. Also see her story below.)

Besides coaching and healing, what is the third component for life mastery? Becoming your own spiritual guide.  In some cases, this applies to helping others with this core ability.

Developing this sense of your own innate spiritual awareness will help you on many levels. It unites their inner masculine and feminine energies — and has a transcendent effect.

ChatGPT defines a spiritual guide as “a source of wisdom, insight, and support on your spiritual path. It helps in understanding life’s deeper meanings, developing spiritually, and navigating challenges with clarity and purpose.”

An Illuminating Example of Spiritual Coaching, Healing and Guidance

In our coach and healing program and personal sessions, we use holistic EFT tapping and Spiritual Kinesiology (our healing from the soul approach). These approaches help people get to the core issue and resolve it.

In one of our Spiritual Guide Program classes — where we also use other tools besides energy healing and spiritual coaching — Clara had this revealing experience:

The focus of Clara’s oracle reading was her soul’s purpose. To assist, she drew the Water card from the Mystical Shaman Oracle deck. She said this card suggested needing to embody certain emotions. The deck’s guidebook noted that the card was about “cleansing unwanted energy and sticky feelings.”

To go deeper, Clara accessed the Akashic Records. This is the cosmic database that energetically holds people’s past, present and potential futures.

In the Akashic Records Clara was greeted by her record keeper, who showed her a time in 1947, where she saw men in military attire working in a naval shipyard. The figure reacted strongly to this scene.

It reminded the person in this scene of how devastated and overwhelmed she was that her husband was killed in World War II. She did have a choice going forward from there to help herself, and then others. But she didn’t take that path. Instead, she committed suicide.

Clara returned from the records and integrated her Water card and records’ reading. In her current lifetime, her husband needed to have a two-hour drive to work each day. This concerned her, creating an extra charge of anxiety in the background of her life. In fact, years ago she thought that her husband would be deployed for military duty, and she was an “absolute wreck” at the time, continually crying and fearing he would die.

As a follow-up, Clara wasn’t yet sure whether the visit in the records concerned a past-life incarnation with her current husband or a parallel situation to what she was experiencing in this lifetime.  Regardless, after this reading she felt calmer in her daily life and things became much easier.

Final Thoughts on Real Tools for Real Change

Everyone is on a journey. For those who want to become conscious of this journey having “real tools for real change” can make all the difference.

Wherever you are on your path that is where the current moment exists. As you embrace your journey now, you become more aware of how to go forward. You learn what is right for you, including the resources you need, to make progress on living your best life.

Spiritual Living, Guidance and Healing