Whether you are a woman or a man, you are still composed of both feminine and masculine energies. By nature, some people are more energetically male or female.
Other factors determine these energies in each moment. There are biological differences at work. And certain situations call for a more masculine or feminine approach.
Here’s what’s important to understand. It’s wise to recognize your own feminine and masculine energies – plus, how they can serve you to be your best self.
The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine
To understand these energies, we can access the spiritual realms. Feminine and masculine traits have shown up in Taoism’s yin and yang, the Hindu’s Shiva and Shakti, and Carl Jung’s psychology describing the anima and animus.
More specifically, we can find these qualities in goddesses, gods and ascended masters.
The “divine” here refers to the spiritual cosmic essence of these fundamental masculine and feminine energies. Our soul directly connects with these essences. However, the human realm and our personalities often distort these primary energies due to gender roles, societal expectations and free will. That can create distortion and imbalance.