Spiritual Living, Guidance and Healing

Your Divine Feminine and Masculine

Whether you are a woman or a man, you are still composed of both feminine and masculine energies. By nature, some people are more energetically male or female.

Other factors determine these energies in each moment. There are biological differences at work. And certain situations call for a more masculine or feminine approach.

Here’s what’s important to understand.  It’s wise to recognize your own feminine and masculine energies – plus, how they can serve you to be your best self.

The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine

To understand these energies, we can access the spiritual realms. Feminine and masculine traits have shown up in Taoism’s yin and yang, the Hindu’s Shiva and Shakti, and Carl Jung’s psychology describing the anima and animus.

More specifically, we can find these qualities in goddesses, gods and ascended masters.

The “divine” here refers to the spiritual cosmic essence of these fundamental masculine and feminine energies. Our soul directly connects with these essences. However, the human realm and our personalities often distort these primary energies due to gender roles, societal expectations and free will. That can create distortion and imbalance.

Feminine and Masculine Energies

The feminine is the more receptive part of our nature. Its qualities include nurturing, compassion, intuition, creativity and emotional expression.

The masculine side promotes action, initiative, courage, logic and reason, protection and structure.

Overall, the masculine side is more external and the feminine side more internal.

Although men and women have both masculine and feminine energies, men tend to express more masculine energies and women more feminine energies.

There are many exceptions, however, and there is no need for rigid gender roles.  Some men are more feminine, and some women are more masculine.  And situations call for more masculine or feminine energy. Playing a sport may involve more action and agency, more masculine doing.  Whereas socializing with friends involves more relating, more feminine connectedness and nurturing.

Interestingly, in studies of wealthier countries, where economic challenges are mostly absent, men and women tend to gravitate to roles reflecting these qualities.

Researchers Alice Eagly and Wendy Wood noted about “women’s capacity for bearing and nursing children, and men’s greater size and strength. Because of these characteristics, men and women have historically tended to take on different sorts of tasks, resulting in a gendered division of labor. This, in turn, caused various expectations to form about the proper social roles of men and women.”

Channeling the Ascended Masters

To gain further insight on the masculine and feminine, we can connect with ascended masters.

The ascended masters are those who have mastered earthly existence and now reside in higher realms. They are available to help and guide us.

Some of the masters have twin flames, a complementary energy of the opposite sex.

Phillip channeled Lady Portia and St. Germain, who are twin flames with an integral soul connection.

Lady Portia, sometimes called the “Goddess of Justice” spoke on the divine feminine

“Yes, I am indeed part of you and everyone in their desire for fairness, justice, and mercy. The divine feminine sees compassion and forgiveness as part of the healing process and making things right. There is a continual striving for balance to keep people and the universe in check, in divine order. I help people nurture themselves and others by seeing when people are in unjust circumstances. I feel their stress, but also suggest ways to balance it out through just and helpful actions.

In order to have love, you must also have will and justice. Power must be balanced. When it goes to extremes, it needs to be corrected and put in line. This good measure helps correct the weight exerted on others, which disadvantages them.

This help may come from just saying kind words to those who are hurt and suffering. It may extend to legal matters where one needs a compassionate heart to see a just solution and action to correct the injustice. In any event, you lead with your heart and then enlist your mind to balance each side. This brings a harmony both from within and from without.”

St. Germaine on the divine masculine:

“The divine masculine has certainty, confidence and assurance through thoughts, intent and direction. In its more divine form, the masculine naturally works together with the divine feminine.

Using the masculine wisely creates flow, ease and effectiveness. It is a builder. It can take the pieces and puts them together like a puzzle. It knows how things fit together through innovation and trial and error, which can work things out even better than intended.

The masculine also gets a sense of what is right action and what is not. But it needs help with this process from the feminine and higher energies to work in concert. If it tries to go it alone, it becomes headstrong and wayward. It needs the balance of the other energies to take its vital strength and power — and use it for good.”

Being Strong and Balanced

To optimize your feminine and masculine, you need to know how to be in balance

If your masculine is off, as St. Germaine noted, you can be impulsive, controlling and rigid. On the other end of the spectrum, your masculine might just be missing in action.

A weak feminine shows up as co-dependence, passivity and being overly emotional. If the feminine is largely absent, a person might be devoid of feelings and intuition.

The goal then is to have both sides working together, relevant to the situation at hand.

Going in and Out of Balance

As life is continually changing so too is the balance between your feminine and masculine energies. Factors at play include your natural disposition (do you have naturally more masculine or feminine energies?) and the situation at hand.

The best resolution comes from being more conscious in the moment. When you are present to what is happening, this brings in your soul. It then generates what George Gurdjieff called “the third force,” a neutral force. This higher energy balances the positive and the negative, the affirming and the denying, so one can find solutions and clarity.

This means that you are not limited to either/or thinking. You elevate your thinking to include possibility thinking. Creative solutions are then revealed.

Acting from a higher perspective — connected with your soul’s guidance — helps balance and use your masculine and feminine energies in the moment. So it might encourage you to just act (masculine), be patient (feminine) or another option. This third choice might be to temporarily wait and reflect till the time to act presents itself.

Final Thoughts on the Feminine and Masculine

Both feminine and masculine energies are essential to how we function and experience life. These forces are always in flux as life continually changes.

How do we get the most from these essential energies? First we want to recognize how much of our life is on autopilot, which can make us reactive to events that disrupt us.  Yes  it’s true that we do need a certain amount of unconscious functioning. Yet the key to living fully is having more attention and intention.

We can dance with life. When we savor life and align with our higher intentions, life takes on a deeper meaning. Sometimes we sit back, smell the roses and allow creative ideas to flow through us (feminine energies). Other times we march forward, executing a well-thought-out plan (masculine energies).

It’s best to have your soul guide you in this dance of life. Then you know you are doing fine, following your deeper interests and pursuing your purpose.

Spiritual Living, Guidance and Healing