Oracle reading is receiving more recognition and respect in recent years. In this time of the Great Awakening, people like us – lightworkers, EFT users, spiritual coaches and healers, way showers and spiritual seekers - are searching for ways to develop our intuition and accelerate our spiritual growth. And oracle reading can play a pivotal role.
It’s time for us to focus and access a full range of resources to support our growth. Without knowing where the journey might take us, we're taking this calling to heart and opening to guidance from above to show the way.
How Oracle Reading Fits into the Big Picture
One of the most valuable tools we've been guided to use in these pivotal times is oracle reading, which includes Tarot and many more types of oracle cards that are readily available today. We’re approaching it differently, with more specific goals in mind as we reach into the higher realms for support.
As spiritual trainers, coaches and healers, oracle cards have been one of many valuable tools for spiritual growth. We have used them over the years with positive results, never imagining what we might find if we took a new look at this evolving tool.
Everything is different now. The Great Awakening is upon us and many of us are being guided to access more resources to facilitate our spiritual growth. With this in mind, we returned to oracle reading with open hearts and minds. And to our surprise, what we found produced results that exceeded our expectations.
People commonly look at tarot and oracle readings as fortune-telling - ways to find their soul mate, solve their problems, or relieve their fears and anxieties about the future. While these things are possible, this is just the tip of the iceberg. And as mentioned, everything is different now.
We’ve found that there is a lot more. From our experience using oracles in recent years, this is one of the most valuable tools we have ever explored. Oracle reading has completely changed our lives in magical, mystical and miraculous ways. And it definitely has accelerated our spiritual growth.
Fortunately, you don’t need to go to a psychic to benefit from oracles. You have everything you need to receive profound guidance on your own. If you are just getting started, you may just need some professional guidance to get started. Think of it this way:
Intuition is the expansive voice of your heart and soul.
Its voice is encouraging, enriching, enlightening and much more.
And it's uniquely you...
Spiritual Growth and Oracle Reading for the Time of the Great Awakening
When we started to explore what is currently available, we were delighted with the possibilities. Times have changed and there are many more oracles now than there were a few decades ago, when we first started to use them.
There are oracle cards and tarot cards with a wealth of subjects to explore. We have learned more about ourselves as we connect with the divine, with archangels and enlightened masters who are lighting the way.
Seven Benefits of
Using Oracles for Developing Intuition and Spiritual Growth
- 1Soul Expansion: Here, we refer to touching your heart and soul in deeper ways and recognizing yourself as the ultimate authority in your life. Many people think of tarot and oracle reading as a skill that is limited to professional psychics and some rare people with special gifts. This is not true. Every one of us can read oracle/tarot cards for ourselves with profound results.
- 2Self-empowerment: Oracle cards are powerful tools for self-actualization. It’s hard to imagine that there is anyone who wouldn’t want a powerful tool for setting one’s course and stepping confidently into the unknown each day.
- 3Intuitive Development: In a short time, you can become your own psychic guide. In fact, you can become your very best psychic guide, because no one can connect with the truth that lies within you as powerfully as you can. Oracle reading can open doors where you have always seen walls. And it isn’t difficult. With a simple approach for accessing your intuitive gifts, you can become an intuitive expert for yourself in a short time. And, if you work with others, you can support them in doing the same.
- 4Support from the Divine: You can also use oracle cards to make connections with beings of light who are reaching to you from the higher dimensions. We commune on a daily basis with archangels, enlightened masters, and spiritual guides who provide guidance, healing, teaching, activation of higher energies, and so much more. They are blessings beyond belief who support us in profoundly mystical ways.
- 5Enhanced Holistic Practices: People interested in holistic practices like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), spiritual healing, Reiki, massage, and more can enhance their results with oracle reading. The additional insights and guidance that synchronously emerge can enhance the value of just about any holistic practice in surprising ways.
- 6Deeper Meaning: Everything takes on deeper meaning with synchronous guidance from your heart and soul and from the divine. The spiritual significance of the events of your life can shine through in ways that bring a profound sense of meaning to every part of your life.
- 7Aliveness: We are all here to live fully and grow, to feel a vibrant sense of aliveness and engagement in life’s journey. Unfortunately, we can easily lose our way. Without awareness of the bigger picture, the complexity of life can easily produce anxiety, confusion, frustration, and more.
With the many benefits of oracle reading, you can experience a new sense of excitement about being alive. Imagine the possibilities. As you get a better sense of where life’s journey wants to take you, the fog can clear. These benefits just touch the surface of what might be possible for you.
And Best of All, Anyone Can Benefit from Oracle Reading
You can receive all of these benefits even if you’re on a busy schedule. It’s a profoundly valuable spiritual practice you can do in your own way, in your own time, and at your own pace.
There are no rigid rules, but there are keys for optimizing your results. And you don’t have to do it alone. If you are interested, we would be delighted to save you from having to go through the trial and error we went through to develop an effective spiritual practice using oracle reading.
Want to Know More?
Many of us sense this time of the Great Awakening is calling us to step further into the unknown. It’s exciting and perplexing at the same time.
We’re stepping into uncharted territory, and it’s pretty clear that our intuition is more important than ever before. One of the great benefits of oracle reading is that it helps you to strengthen your intuition. You can also make faster progress if you start off on the right track.
You can learn more about this now with our simple guide booklet.
You will also get a video demonstration of a powerful oracle reading.
“A Priceless Key for Accessing Your Intuition”
And remember to always
"Listen to your intuition.
It will tell you everything you need to know."
- Anthony J. D'Angelo