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Your Soul's Highest Purpose in Life as a Light Worker and Spiritual Healer
Spiritual Living, Guidance and Healing

Your Soul’s Highest Purpose as a Spiritual Guide, Coach, Healer or Light Worker

Your Highest Purpose in Life

The thought of awakening to our highest purpose in life is exciting and illuminating. It’s also becoming a key focus for spiritual coaches, healers, light workers, and way showers worldwide who are opening more deeply to the callings of our hearts. 

Together, we’re rising above the herd of humanity, seeking deeper meaning, and opening to embrace the fullness of our souls' callings.

This is a positive step forward for each of us personally and for all of humanity. We’re rising above the repressive, competitive environment of the status quo and stepping up as creators of more loving, abundant, joyful, and fulfilling lives. In the process, we are also becoming beacons of light that are supporting humanity in transcending the illusion of limitation.

Your Soul's Purpose and the Illusion of Limitation

It is this illusion of limitation that prevents us from awakening to the soul’s highest purpose in life. Fortunately, much more is possible. Those of us who are embracing more love and light understand that we live in a reality of our own creation. This means we have choices.

As humans, we have the ability to shift from feeling like victims of a repressive reality that is beyond our control to becoming self-empowered creators. From this perspective, we have the potential to embrace a whole new way of being in the world that is mystical, magical, joyful and enlightening.

The Realization of Our Soul's Highest Purpose in Life

This transformation is our soul’s highest purpose in life and our greatest joy. We’re stepping into a reality that will transcend the challenges we now face with the energy of love.

It’s an amazing time when more and more light workers and spiritual healers are awakening -opening to our greatness and creating something magnificent. While words cannot fully express the essence of this opportunity, here are some words that resonate with where we are going.

love, joy, aliveness, flow, ease, gratitude, fulfillment, playfulness, magic, abundance

We sometimes refer to expansive words like these as “words to live by.” Repeat them to yourself a few times now and notice how they feel in your heart and in your whole body.

You could say embracing the vibration of these words is the essence your highest purpose in life. They characterize a level of reality new thought pioneer Wallace Wattles called the Creative Plane, which is humanity’s next step. Some people call it the fifth dimension. Whatever you call it, it’s a great place to be.

Now, let’s focus for a moment on some repressive words:

fear, frustration, stress, limitation, confusion, anxiety, anger, meanness, separation

As you read this list, you may notice your sense of aliveness diminishing, along with your belief of what is possible for you. These words characterize what Wattles called the Competitive Plane. This is the place where the masses of humanity now reside.

Fortunately, times are changing. The vibrations on the planet are rising, and all of us have the potential to become meaningful agents of change. Here's our opportunity.

By embracing the power of love, we can realize our highest purpose in life and transform the world.

Navigating on the Soul's Journey into the Unknown

You could view the journey to the Creative Plane as an expedition into the unknown. The first part of the journey involves preparation. We have to prepare our perspective on reality to accommodate the shift into a place where higher awareness and creative expression can emerge. With the words to live by above, we’ve seen that love is the key.

It’s not surprising that love is essential for human existence. Love is the quality of the heart (the heart and soul), which energetically represents the center of our being.

We also view the heart as the spiritual bridge for an important reason. Connecting with the soul’s presence in the heart brings us into this place of love, connectedness and truth. It also makes deeper healing possible.

Having a clear sense of where we are going is the first step in this shift in our reality. The Second step is having a full set of resources to accompany us on the journey forward.

None of us know how a shift into this creative reality is going to occur, but embracing the words to live by (mentioned earlier) and the states that go with them become more important as we aim to embrace our highest purpose in life.

Developing a Full Set of Resources for the Soul's Journey

We are currently focused on embracing this shift in consciousness for ourselves and now, for our clients and students. Our guidance suggested that it is time for us to access our full range of resources to take our next steps.

When this first idea came to our attention, we didn’t know what it meant. Fortunately synchronicity showed the way and now we have identified three elements that can support all of us in rising onto the Creative Plane.

These are valuable Resources for the Soul's Journey into the Unknown

  • Holistic Healing and Spiritual Coaching: In order to reach your full potential in this lifetime you need two essentials: clearing your blocks and support.   Find out more on education here and personal help here ...
  • Connecting with the Archangels: The archangels are lofty beings of divine love. Each has uniquely powerful gifts to share with us for healing, insights, and activations of higher awareness.  Find out more about Archangels here ...
  • Using Specific Oracles: When we started to explore the archangels, we also started to use a specific version of the tarot to receive insights and messages from the archangels. The messages are so profound, we now call it “organized synchronicity.”   Find out more about Oracles here ...
  • Accessing our Akashic Records: Seeking to understand the big picture, we were also guided to explore the Akashic Records, which are living libraries of our souls’ journeys.  Find out more about the Akashic Records here ...

Having explored the Akashic Records for ourselves with life-changing results, we are now adding them in our teachings for the lightworkers and spiritual healers we serve as students and clients. In the near future, we will be sharing more.  

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Rainbow of Hearts

Spiritual Living, Guidance and Healing