The Next Course Starts October 8, 2024
Schedule a Free Strategy Session here
or call us directly at (805) 934-1238
Ask about our Extended Payment Plans and Scholarships
Why Choose this Live Online Spiritual Coaching and Healing
Certification Program?
This highly rated, affordable program combines spiritual/holistic coaching with EFT and other effective techniques to produce powerful results.
For full healing and growth, you will learn step-by-step — in a soulful, hands-on approach that integrates the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Using both spiritual/holistic coaching and healing, the training will take you to new levels of clarity and consciousness.
This popular program has been developed and tested for over two decades. Starting in 1994, we offered it in weekend trainings in different cities. We have continued to add and improve all the tools and knowledge to optimize the ease and depth of learning. Since 2010, we have offered this training online, with continual updates.
This unique program is a vehicle for accelerated spiritual development, as well as professional development, along with a holistic support community. Going at your own rate, you will continually reach new levels of mastery.
Note: This live online training has the added convenience of being delivered by phone or internet via Zoom Conference. You also receive supplementary written and video material to deepen your understanding. All classes are recorded if you miss any or wish to review them.
1. You really need both coaching and healing
There is an artificial division in trainings that are available. On the one side is life coach training; on the other side is training in various healing modalities. Over the years, we found that to be fully effective you need to use both coaching and healing.
Healing opens your vision, activates the power of the soul, removes blocks and gives creative self-knowledge. Coaching uses will, goals, spiritual insights, and action to follow through. Sometimes you need more healing with its powerful insights. At other times, you need the inspired action that coaching brings. It’s a yin/yang, feminine/masculine balance. They work powerfully together.
Coaching with profound healing, then, opens people to the flow and possibilities of greater life, growth and transformation — and a deeper sense of being and contributing. Without both coaching and healing, your results will be limited.
Why this Program?
Although there are other trainings, this one uniquely combines holistic and spiritual life coaching with energy healing and EFT. It will also deepen your connection with your soul’s inner wisdom in profound ways.
Yes, you will learn profound tools and knowledge, and experience a change in being — being more of who you are on a deeper level. With this hands-on training, you will integrate the knowledge and tools into your life and being.
2. Who is this Training for?
The Holistic Coaching and EFT Healing Live Online Certification is a rare program that teaches you how to create the life you want, including how to overcome the inevitable resistances that you encounter. It includes how to access spiritual truth and wisdom to guide you in the right direction. Plus it will show you how to help others do so too.
People from all walks of life have taken the training. Including…
- business people such as realtors, sales people and others
- traditional and alternative healthcare workers
- educators and teachers
- human service practitioners
- coaches who want further training
- artists, authors and speakers
- self-taught lifelong learners
- anyone who wants to empower themselves and uplift others
Many people who take this program have had prior training in coaching and healing, although such background is not required. People are drawn to this program’s unique, targeted content, tools and direct learning.
The three possible reasons people take this time-tested, affordable Holistic Coaching and Healing with EFT Certification Program are …
1. Personal and Spiritual Growth — bottom line, everyone who takes this program has profound transformations, going deeper into their personal journey, life purpose and expanded consciousness.
These next two reasons may apply to you, depending on your particular situation.
2. Prepare for a new career — whether as a coach or holistic practitioner, from a traditional or holistic approach, a conventional or alternative healthcare field.
3. Complement what you are currently doing — whether as a business person, healthcare provider, teacher, housewife or other area. Graduates use this hands-on training to expand their current job or business, giving them more tools and abilities.
Return on Investment:
Some who take this program want to develop professional services. For those interested in using this program with clients or business, the training can directly lead to a small to considerable income.
Some people start to work with clients even during the course, so there can be a quick turnaround on their investment, which will continue to multiply over time.
Hidden Benefit: Most people save 1000’s of dollars in self-healing personal physical and mental health problems — and prevent further costly health breakdowns by learning how to heal and live more in balance through this program.
What results can you expect from this Program?
You will learn proven life coaching and healing techniques as well as the best current approaches available. This is not your conventional course that just teaches a series of techniques. You will learn and integrate essential elements — of who you are, where you are going, and how to get there.
- You will be confident that you can make a significant difference
- You can get consistent results helping yourself and others
- You will be able to easily integrate a deep understanding of holistic life coaching and healing, along with taking effective action
- You will have a powerful toolbox of soul-based approaches. These will serve you well to deal with a wide variety of situations and the challenging cases that come up — including your own health issues, which can be costly to address.
- By experiencing this online training, you will get firsthand knowledge on how to teach classes yourself by using the online teaching model we have developed, with many effective components that we have discovered over the years.
- You will be able to right away apply the tools and knowledge you learn into your daily life and to help others and build a profitable business if you choose.
There are no quick fixes for personal and professional development. However, with Awakenings Coach and Healer Training, you will learn effective short cuts, many that you will not find anywhere else.
This hands-on spiritual coaching combined with healing program is the way of the future — helping you avoid the roadblocks and get the most from life.
And after finishing the first two courses (eight months), you will receive your Holistic Coach and Healer Level 1 Certificate. After completing the third course, you will receive your Holistic Coach and Healer Level 2 Certificate.
Why graduates love this program…
Through this work I’ve been able to release limiting beliefs about what I could be and began opening up to the dreams which were always there – waiting for me to ‘wake up’ to them.”
Anna Shirey
Spiritual Counselor and Healer Athens, AL
Aha’s, Breakthroughs, Transformation …
Some take the program for the sheer spiritual growth and personal use, with the idea they may start a practice at some point. Others add the profound tools and knowledge to their current situation. Others use it to start a holistic practice.
In addition to the profound and practical tools and knowledge, there is something more… The program serves as a direct vehicle for soul development.
Since you practice the profound skills each week, you will have many deep insights each month. These aha’s sometimes lead to breakthroughs. Over time, you will experience profound transformation (see testimonials on this page). Because of the holistic training and the deep spiritual growth that occurs, the program is akin to a 21st century spiritual development and mystery school.
Mystery Schools and Spiritual Coaching and Healing
Like a Mystery School, Awakenings’ Spiritual Coach Healing Program is not simply a group of techniques, however good they may be. It helps you master yourself and lead your best life. In the process, you can draw on the higher vibrations by connecting with angels, masters and higher guides.
Through a variety of innovative tools and approaches — including connecting with the inner planes and higher dimensions — you gain a vast array of targeted resources.
Here’s the core of this experiential unique, proven training. It greatly accelerates your evolution by widening your perspective. With the methods and knowledge you will receive, you have the know-how to deeply embrace the mysteries of life.
It’s not about giving you a fish but teaching you how to fish. It’s very practical and avoids dogma.
Jen Peters
Life Reinvention Coach
New Zealand
“I spent two years searching for these courses. I knew I was looking for something, but wasn’t sure what until I came across them. It has helped me enormously and in unexpected ways. It provides structure to an area that is traditionally quite ethereal and difficult to put into meaningful processes. I don’t know of any other courses even remotely like these, with the scope they have.
The program has literally ignited the light within — it’s for anyone who is seeking a deeper understanding of who we really are and what we are here to do. These courses are the bridge into the bigger picture for those who have an awareness that there’s more to life than meets the eye. “
Your Instructors:
Phillip and Jane Mountrose
Co-Directors of Awakenings Institute
For the last 25 years, Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose have reached thousands of people through their popular books on EFT, Spiritual Kinesiology and personal growth, and classes, certification trainings and personal consultations.
They are also the co-founders of Awakenings Institute, a non-profit organization devoted to participants’ spiritual growth and heart-centered success.
With the benefit of technology, Awakenings Institute’s spiritual mission reaches individual’s worldwide. People from almost every continent – North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia – have participated in Awakenings’ programs over the years.
3. How this Program Works
The program has been carefully designed to maximize learning. Each course is four months, totaling 32 sessions (16 classes and 16 lab/practice classes).
We find that most people learn more effectively by having weekly short classes (75 minutes), rather than a large training in one weekend or more. We also limit the class size (15-20 students), so you get the attention you need to progress at the pace that is right for you.
The calls are conducted through Zoom Conference, which you can access from anywhere in the world. That means all you need is a phone or internet connection. To enrich each class, there are specific visual materials (manual, handouts, etc) to enhance the classes.
All sessions will be recorded if you miss any or wish to review it.
Another benefit is learning directly from both a male and female veteran instructor, getting different expert perspectives from the veteran Mountrose team.
Four Main Features of the Program include …
Weekly Online Classes -- Learn one bit at a time
Twice a week you access the class by phone or internet via Zoom Conference. Each week there is a class and follow-up practice lab (about 70-90 minutes each) including breakout sessions to practice with a partner. You will also gain access to an information-rich Class Resource Page, with valuable information and instructions on how to optimize the program.
Practice with Supportive Partners -- valuable connections
You will connect with like-minded classmates to practice the techniques, to hone your skills and gain mastery. In some cases, students go on to become good friends and associates. Connecting with “kindred spirits” is one of life’s treasures and of incalculable value. This kind of open learning community can be invaluable on many levels. You will enter a wonderful "we space" for mutual awakening as you practice these profound methods together.
Question & Answer Sessions
Each week we allot a generous amount of time to answer specific questions you may have about the weekly material, plus any other areas where you want specific support. You can draw on our 20 years of experience in the field. Also, you can take the entire Program from any where you have access to a phone or internet or mobile device.
Optimized Learning Environment
You will receive visual support material for each class to deepen the experience. The course draws on a detailed, written manual, along with videos, audios and special handouts. The program is carefully organized around three themes: life purpose, manifestation, and success principles -These profound themes of each individual course (described below). In turn, these key areas can be used for a variety of niches and specialties to help others. Once a month there is a week off, to give you a break and extra time to review or catch up if needed. Between each course, there will be a few weeks break, too.
Sandy Ewing
Holistic Practitioner
Ontario, Canada
“I actually started the program at a low point. First I learned to help myself and then I knew I could help others. Now I feel good about myself and help others heal physically and emotionally, which I do on a full-time basis. Since the two years from when I graduated this program, my clients now number up to ten per week. Looking back, I realized that the more I invested the more I got out of it.”
4. What’s Included in this Program
This 8-12 month in-depth, hands-on program is for those who want to follow their inner guidance and fulfill their potential. Interestingly, most who apply are led by their deep interest to grow. However actually following your heart’s guidance and living fully takes focus and support over a period of time.
The commitment may be a stretch. Things you get the most value from usually are. It is an investment of time and money, in yourself. It’s rare to find an effective, practical and tested soul-based program like this one for personal and professional development.
Below is a description of the three courses comprising the Holistic Coach and Healer Certification Program. Together, they create a “Transformational Triad.”
The Spiritual Coaching and Healing Certification Program has three inter-related courses. They focus in-depth on the three interactive lines of development: purpose, manifestation and self (heart of success).
These courses are interconnected and synergistic for awakening to your true potential.
October 8, 2024 — February 2025
Explore your true purpose and be able to help yourself and others’ realize their purpose.
Access your deeper identity as a spiritual being on an evolutionary journey, here with important lessons to learn and unique gifts to share. This course can also help you specialize in life transitions, career coaching, life purpose coach, spiritual counseling and more.
This course will help you understand different personality types (archetypal roles) people inherently have. Therefore, you will be able to quickly pinpoint how to work with different people.
In these live, recorded classes, you will learn:
- The Seven Stages of Spiritual Development
- Life Purpose development and Major Life Themes
- Your Soul’s Life Plan
- The Four Freedoms
- Understanding Personality Traits from the Michael Teachings
- Obstacles and Opportunities on the Spiritual Path
- Common Problems and Solutions
- Balancing Polarities (like masculine-feminine, body-mind, spiritual-earthly)
- How to Conduct Ceremonies and Rituals
- How to Teach Classes and Workshops
- Enlisting angelic support and ethereal support
- Addressing Core Issues with EFT and other modalities and more…
February 2025 — May 2025
Learn how to raise your abundance set point, by helping yourself and others manifest better health, wealth, relationships and career.
This course focuses on fast and effective energy healing techniques, like Reframing and EFT, as well as hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). It helps you to learn how to create from your heart’s genuine desires.
This course can also help you specialize in manifestation, law of attraction, helping entrepreneurs and releasing blocks from the past to move forward with your life.
- A practical, soul-based approach to manifesting
- Using EFT for Money and Forgiveness
- Using hypnotherapy for manifestation and healing
- Uncovering hidden blocks to manifesting and how to clear them
- Coaching Wheels: The Money Wheel of Fortune and Wheel of Life
- Reframing from the Soul — heightened spiritual awareness
- How to define your dreams and goals and Ground Rules
- How to live life with more joy and celebration
- Age regression and Inner Child balancing
- Hypnotic suggestions for deeper success
- Angelic support for manifesting
- The Brightest Possible Future Process and more…
June 2025 — September 2025
Learn how to deeply and reliably access your soul’s truth — leading to greater awareness and success in your personal and professional life.
In this profound and practical course, you will learn the overall stages of spiritual development — and a map to know how to help people at the right level.
Filled with holistic skill and knowledge, this course also includes how to use SK (Spiritual Kinesiology), a comprehensive spiritual healing system for rapid and long-term success. Spiritual Kinesiology (an energy-healing process pioneered by the Mountroses) connects you directly with your inner guidance and eliminates interference.
This course can also help you specialize as a success coach, relationship coaching, spiritual coaching/healing and more. You can apply the core success principles you will learn to various niches in health, relationship and business.
In these live, recorded sessions, you will learn:
- The core Spiritual Success Principles
- Maintaining soul/meditative awareness for healing and direction
- Angelic EFT for healing and coaching (Angelic support with EFT)
- High Thymus/ High-Vibration approach
- Powerful Checklists to practically analyze strengths and weaknesses
- Use muscle testing (kinesiology) to pinpoint blocks and provide key information
- NLP Reframing and Anchoring for greater results
- Group and Societal Archetypes
- Resolving Co-dependence and healthy boundaries
- The Seven Levels of Healing
- The Heart Focus Process and The Coaching Success Wheel
- Organizing sessions and more..
PLUS the Awakenings Institute Holistic Coaching and Healing Bonus Collection
How to Market Your Holistic Practice
9-hour Online Audio Program with handouts and valuable Bonus material ($97 value)
Targeted Marketing Audio Downloadable Recordings on how to succeed professionally with your practice — over 20 hours of leading-edge material and handouts ($295 value)
The Next Course Starts October 8, 2024
Click Here to Schedule a Free Strategy Session
or call us directly at (805) 934-1238
Ask about our Extended Payment Plans and Scholarships
5. Frequently Asked Questions
Just click the arrow to the left of the question to see the drop-down answer.
The Spiritual Coach Healing Certification Program is not simply a group of techniques, however good they may be.
If interested, it can enhance your career or create a business with holistic coaching and healing.
Here’s the core of this unique, proven training: It greatly accelerates your evolution by widening your perspective. With the tools and knowledge you will receive, you have the know-how of how to deeply embrace the mysteries of life.
It’s not about giving you a fish but teaching you how to fish. It’s very practical and avoids dogma.
Each of the three courses takes four months. The Level 1 Coach and Healer Certification is 8 months (two courses). The Level 2 Coach Healer Certification is 12 months (three courses). You can take the courses in any order– they all interrelate and work together in any order. The program is designed to go in depth, while affording you to go at your own rate.
The course has two classes weekly (class and lab), totaling 3 hours. Allow about an hour preparation time. For your convenience, all classes are recorded if you miss any or want to review them.
And there are ways to do it even less time, though the more you put in the better. So there is flexibility in time commitment. Of course the more you study, the better. Yet don’t consider an all-or-nothing approach. Even if you sometimes can’t commit on a particular week, that is fine. Plus there is one week off a month.
Generally people are busy, sometimes very busy. Most people who take the training are working and/or are parents with children, where there is not a lot of “free time.” Yet people who are the busiest often get the most done. Where there is a will, there is a way. Those who realize the value and enjoyment of the training find ways to fit it in.
Overall, the program will enhance your daily life, giving you more support, understanding and development in many areas of your life.
Yes! We understand that sometimes you may have a scheduling conflict. We record all the live sessions, and you’ll have access to them by the end of that same week. Since the course is all online, you can access your trainings whenever it is convenient.
Since you can access the live classes anywhere there is internet connection, you can attend them while traveling as well. It’s fine if you need to miss occasional classes and the lab practices are optional (though highly recommended). All classes are recorded if you miss any or wish to review them.
A quality certification gives you step-by-step training, which directly builds your confidence and competence. It provides crucial skills you will use. It will help you to be more effective and trust yourself more. In turn, others will more easily trust you so that you can help them. Your certification signals to others that you are ready and capable to use your gifts and skills.
After finishing the first two courses (8 months), you will receive your Holistic Coach and Healer Level 1 Certificate. After completing the third course (4 months), you will receive your Holistic Coach and Healer Level 2 Certificate.
As a note, coaching does not require licensing, like medicine, therapy or psychiatry does.
Also many people take the program for the depth of training and support, without an interest in being certified.
Phillip Mountrose and Jane Mountrose, the lead instructors, have been trained in many modalities, including life coaching, EFT, NLP, hypnotherapy, Reiki and marketing. They are recognized as experts in the field of personal and spiritual development in coaching and healing.
They have been in the field training people and offering individual sessions for nearly thirty years. They have also written over a dozen books and manuals on healing, coaching and personal and spiritual growth.
They also are the Co-Founding Directors of Awakenings Institute, a non-profit Organization dedicate to bringing out people’s gifts to the world.
Most people who join this program have been led here by intuition and follow through on their deeper interests. This can result in enhancing a career, starting a new one, or taking the next step in your development.
In effect, you will be discovering and realizing your deeper purpose. Most people report this to be one of the most valuable and practical trainings they’ve ever experienced, both personally and professionally. It is a combination of holistic and spiritual knowledge and tools, put in a supportive, user-friendly environment.
Definitely. The program is designed not just to educate, but to offer plenty of opportunities for feedback and support. Every week there is generous time allotted for Q&A after each class with the instructors. In other words, you have direct access to the instructors. Plus you can also get additional monthly individual mentoring from them as well.
In addition, there are support/accountability partners available from fellow class mates, providing invaluable personal and professional relationships
In addition to the profound tools and knowledge the program teaches you, you will also have a library of marketing training classes (over 20 hours with targeted handouts). Plus you will receive “How to Market Your Online Practice” 9-hour online course.
Moreover, there is weekly direct contact with the instructors. There is also direct mentorship available from the instructors to help you individually
Yes! One of the great benefits of this training is the relationships you will make with like-minded students. You will have weekly lab practice sessions online accessible by mobile device or computer.
If interested, you can have a support/accountability partner to help you practice and keep progressing. Students often make deep lasting personal and professional relationships with those they meet in the course.
Not at all. People from a wide range of backgrounds and experience take this program. Many people who have been previously trained as coaches/healers or done related trainings have taken our program during the 20 years it has been offered.
Why do people get so much out of this program? Because of the spiritual depth, unique tools and knowledge, leading-edge science and psychology that are included and continually updated for the course. It results in significantly deepening and broadening your coaching and healing skills.
Then you will be ready to deal with a wide variety of situations.
This kind of life coaching program is an investment, like attending a university. Similar programs may cost many thousands of dollars. Awakenings strives to make it as affordable as possible.
This Certified Program from Awakenings Institute offers a unique holistic approach. Awakenings provides hands-on training that combines life coaching with highly effective healing techniques in a small group setting. This rare combination produces deep and lasting results.
Do you live outside the US and affected by the exchange rate? If you live in areas like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, contact us for offsetting the burden of the monetary exchange rate.
Nonetheless, we make this program as affordable as possible to reach those who are truly interested. You may also qualify for additional savings and payment plans. Contact us to discuss what is available.
Many certification programs require a contract. In Awakenings Coach Healer Certification Program there is no deposit and you only pay for what you take.
Most people find that the program is one of the best investments they ever made because of the quantum shifts in understanding they receive, the powerful array of hands-on tools, clarity on their life purpose and more.
Accessing the live classes is similar to joining a webinar. You will simply need an internet connection and a device (computer, laptop, tablet, mobile phone) that has internet connection to join the class. You can attend by video or audio only. All classes are recorded if you miss any or wish to review them. They are found on one resource page
People generally find that the technology is quite easy to use and we can personally assist you if needed.
Enrollment for our next course is now open. Schedule a time to speak with us or call our office at 805-934-1238, 9am-5pm pst and find out the best way for you to get started.
6. What graduates of this program are saying — why students love this training…
RECAP: The Program includes…
Weekly Live Online Classes
Experiential Practices
& Community
All Classes Recorded
for Review
Question & Answer Sessions
Workbook, Handouts
Audio and Video Library
Three Integrated
Whether you want to have a part-time or full-time business, take your existing career to new levels, or you’re just starting out, Awakenings Program can help. And fundamentally it all builds on the profound growth you will experience.
We’ve tested and developed this unique, hands-on program over a few decades now and students love the experience and results.
What you’ll learn is the best in traditional life coaching combined with EFT, Angelic EFT (EFT with Angelic support), energy healing, hypnotherapy and NLP … Plus our own tested holistic processes (GTT Techniques) which add precision and reliability… leading to more profound and lasting results.
Each year we update the material, adding our latest discoveries and innovations along with breakthroughs in research.
The Program includes …
72 Live Training Sessions and Interactive Labs with Phillip & Jane Mountrose
Recordings of each class plus PDF Handouts and online videos
Hard-Copy and Online Versions of Professional Training Manual, audios and videos
Awakenings Community: support and accountability partners and various ways to connect online and offline for support and developing personal and professional relationships
Access each weekly to a special supportive environment, including a Facebook Messenger Group, where it is safe to learn and heal — and a place to grow and transcend.
Build-a-Business Bonuses: 9-hour tutorial audios and handouts How to Build Your Holistic Practice plus Heart of Success Marketing Library (20 hours of how-to market audios and handouts)
An attractive Holistic Coaching and Healing Certificate (suitable for framing) with all the confidence and competence that comes with it.
7. Tuition and Your Next Step
If this unique program interests you, you’re probably wondering about the cost. Awakenings Institute strives to make our programs as reasonable as possible.
Your tuition can depend on different factors, and we can make adjustments that can work for your particular situation. We will discuss certifications and the payment plans when you contact us. We also have extended payment plans. If you do wish to take this program, there is a probably a way we can work out the best arrangement for you.
Please call us now at (805) 934-1238 (9am-5pm pst) ; or click here to schedule your call now so we can help you find the right plan for you and answer any questions.
We wish to assist you in your certification process to determine if the program is right for you. The program is profound and effective, yet we understand that it needs to be a good fit for you.
Graduates Report Significant Increases in:
Career and Income
Healing and Well-Being
Connection and Support
Join a new class of spiritual/holistic life coaches
helping to transform the world.
Next Course Starts October 8, 2024*
or call us direct at
(805) 934-1238
*Do you live outside the US and are affected by the exchange rate? If you live in areas like Canada, Australia and New Zealand, contact us for offsetting the monetary exchange rate.
Many of our students look at their lives as before and after taking this program — and are so glad they chose to move forward with it.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Phillip and Jane Mountrose
Awakenings Institute