Holistic/Spiritual Life Coaching and Healing

Are You an Introvert or Extrovert: Inner and Outer Balance

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Here are a few important questions that can reveal a lot about yourself:

Do you tend to be outgoing?

Do you feel at ease socializing and networking?

Or do you prefer study, research and productive time by yourself, interacting with small groups and one-on-one?

Or do you fall somewhere in between on the spectrum, from gregarious to private?


Here at Awakenings Institute, we help people live fully, which includes realizing their life purpose. Part of finding out who you are and what you here to do with your life is to know yourself. As Socrates said,

“An unexamined life is not worth living.”

Social scientists consider this inner-outer balance to be a primary personality trait. You self-actualize with gaining key self-knowledge, which includes knowing how introverted or extroverted you are.

Once you know your innate tendencies, you can use them more intelligently and leverage them for your full potential.


Being introverted or extroverted can show up differently depending on your personal make-up (which is comprised of a mixture of traits).  Your inward direction may lead you to quietly work behind the scenes in supportive roles. You may work solo on your art or project, which may ultimately be shown publicly. You might be a warrior type, diligently following directions for your cause, marching forward, in sync with like-minded others.

For the extroverts, you might be a pastor/priest type, who relishes getting your message out to uplift people. If you are more of a performer, you are fun loving and like the limelight, being on center stage. If you are a natural leader, you help groups, maybe larger organizations. You can oversee projects, sense the big picture and how to marshal forces to achieve goals.

Or you may be an ambivert, a combination of both introvert and extrovert. You then have a mixture of introverted and  extroverted traits, and certain circumstances might bring out your one side or the other. You might be more gregarious at a party and then, when by yourself, be more single-minded working on a project, depending on the circumstances.


Research shows extroverts extroverts are natural networkers.  Coming with this expansive territory, an extrovert tends to make friends and be popular. Being likable, he or she gets easily promoted. Extroverts  Extroverts earn more money, are put in leadership roles and are overtly happy.

For introverts, they can stay focused and single-minded. Such discipline allows them to accomplish tasks and be productive, sometimes impressively so. Elite athletes and accomplished musicians, for example, have to spend countless hours practicing by themselves or with a coach to achieve exceptional results.

Here’s an important point: Even though you may have the drawbacks that go with being mostly introverted or extroverted, know that you can balance yourself by learning those missing skills and aptitudes.

Introverts can learn social skills; extroverts can find ways to stay on course. In short, you can get help to balance your introversion or extroversion tendencies.


Knowing yourself includes knowing your natural tendencies and abilities, whether introverted, extroverted or a combination.

But don’t stop at just recognizing yourself, the kind of person you are by nature. Don’t cut yourself short saying, “That’s just the way I am.” You can go further. You can consciously develop yourself by using your aptitudes, while finding ways to address deficiencies.

Knowing yourself empowers you, to be and become your best self. Live on purpose like your life matters (because it does) makes all the difference. That’s part of living life fully.