Holistic/Spiritual Life Coaching and Healing

Three Secrets to Claiming Your Power, Finding Your Voice

Many holistic-minded people feel the pressures of living in a male-dominated society. So how then do we find our own power and our voice?

This is a crucial challenge to face.  By summoning the courage to do so, you will not only greatly help yourself.  You will be able to support others so they too can create a more loving, balanced world.

The First Step

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Developing Your Spiritual Intelligence

To grow spiritually, what do you need?  To develop your spiritual intelligence.

But what actually is spiritual intelligence and how do you develop it? To start, recognize that there are four basic kinds of intelligence: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Also there are some variations and offshoots of different ways to categorize intelligences.

Most people think of IQ as just mental ability, the kind of thinking taught in school. It focuses on memorizing and analyzing. However important this function, it is just one kind of intelligence that can be developed.

There is also physical intelligence, which starts from birth with your body’s development. It includes movements, spatial ability and body awareness.

An important note here is some people are more gifted with physical intelligence, as with any of the other intelligences.  For instance, one person can be a handy-person or more athletic than many others.

Then there is emotional intelligence. This means being aware of your emotions and managing them, which includes relating to others. Those who are emotionally adept may be more empathetic and sociable with others.

Here’s an example of emotional intelligence: What am I feeling now?  Frustration… Okay, maybe I just need to accept that and sit with it for a moment. Maybe I need to take some deliberate action.

In short, you are aware of your emotions – how they affect you and others.  Also note that each of the intelligences requires study and practice to develop.

Spiritual Beings

Although we all are spiritual beings having a human experience, spiritual intelligence takes some time to emerge. First, you need to develop some emotional intelligence for self-understanding and self-reflection. Emotional awareness includes being able to interact well with others.

For a spiritual intelligence overview, let’s look at four key areas where it can blossom and grow to enrich your journey of awakening. And you will blossom as you develop your spiritual intelligence.

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Three Soulful Advice-Giving Coaching Tips

Many holistic people tell us they have always been a person who others come to for advice. This may be free or professional advice. This begs the question: how do you give good [soulful] advice?

Of course, people don’t want others to tell them how to live their life. Instead, it’s good to be able to authentically support others, whether they are a friend or client. In other words, you want to be in a heart-centered place to truly help them.

Here then are three ways to take a soulful approach.

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Having Higher Vibrations for Your Soul’s Journey

Have you ever wondered this: Why am I living on earth now?

Yes, your soul has a plan for you (more details in a moment). And once you connect with this custom-made plan, then how do you get the most out of it?

Awakening to Your Soul’s Plan

As we awaken, we have a growing understanding that life has more meaning and direction than we had previously realized.

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In the Flow, Above the Fray

Sometimes miracles – those unexpected transcendent experiences – come into your life. Wow! They light up your life and shine onto others.

One such miracle happened to us 15 years ago. While taking our morning walk, we received this special mantra from above: “Anything is possible and miracles are happening now!” Just the receiving of this phrase was miraculous, plus the lifelong benefits of using it.

This uplifting phrase became the basis for our Miracle Reframe with EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Process.

The Latest Miracle

Recently another extraordinary mantra came to us. The phrase is “In the flow, above the fray.” Sit with that for a moment …

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Life Purpose: Three Must-Haves for Your Best Life

How do you create your best life and fulfill your purpose?  For success, you need three main ingredients to make things come together and be in the flow of your best life.

So here are the three essentials: knowledge, tools and support. This potent, alchemical mixture fuels your purpose, which comes from a dream of a greater, fulfilling life.

With the above elements, you create not only a wonderful life for yourself. Your life links to creating a better world.  You then play your unique part in raising the world’s consciousness and connectedness.

As you may know, to realize your dream now is sorely needed for the state of world affairs. Change starts with you, from moment to moment. It can create an organic sphere of influence and a wonderful momentum going forward.

Here then are the details on these three must-have ingredients to lift your life to higher ground.

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The Biggest Myth about Life Purpose

[Note: This is an updated article originally posted in March 2015]

Many people are much closer to living their life purpose than they think. Yet there’s a myth that can blind us to our deeper purpose …

The faulty thinking goes something like this: “I just need to know exactly what I’m here to do. Then when it’s clear to me, I can successfully live my life purpose and fulfill my mission.” Here’s the problem. Your purpose isn’t an exact thing to do. It’s not one narrow, fixed task you are meant to accomplish.

Let’s explore this myth about life purpose a bit more so we can be free from its spell.

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Why Your Life Purpose is So Important

Your life purpose lets you live deeply, breathe deeply — and you can turn even your life into a work of art.

[Note: The above video is from our weekly “Circle of Light and Love” Show on Facebook. We do it weekly live at Sunday 9am pst. Live and past shows can be found here.]

Your purpose creates a a life rich with meaning and connection, for yourself and others’ benefit.

As you are guided by a deeper purpose, you live as a meaningful specific, rather than a wandering generality, as Zig Ziglar noted. You are motivated from within, not following the dictates of others.

In short, your purpose is precious and invaluable. Let’s examine five crucial parts of being on purpose and the wonderful life it will create for you.

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What Holistic Practitioners Are Missing

We live in a mental, scientific-dominant world. This costs-and-benefits world, where things must be physically measurable, has helped us make progress – but there are problems and limitations. Yes holistic-minded people and practitioners are aware of this needed balance.  Yet too often the heart is undervalued. It just remains at the knowledge level, not really …

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How Much Bliss Do You Have?

How blissful are you? And for that matter, what is “bliss”?

Like happiness, bliss can be a feeling (“I’m feeling blissful”) as well as a state of awareness (“I am in bliss”).

Joseph Campbell, renown scholar and author, famously gave the advice to “follow your bliss.”  He connected this intention to the hero’s journey and following your deeper passion.

To put things in perspective, a blissful journey sometimes is fun and spontaneous. It can also involve challenges, with no easy fixes or instant gratification.

In this context, following your bliss means engaging your body-mind-spirit with goals larger-than-self.

The Alchemy of Bliss

Let’s examine further the different, jewel-like facets of bliss. Bliss is a transcendent flow – it allows you to let life flow though you. It’s a heartfelt mixture of happiness, joy, wonder and more.

Bliss also has a strong unconditional element to it. It’s not conditional, like “I’m only happy when I’m ____ [with my friends, partner, family].

Yes bliss recognizes preferences — but does not get attached to them: “I’d prefer being with him, but I’m good being by myself now.”

Bliss is the master converter and alchemist, truly making lemonades out of lemons. It also savors the sweet moments, the triumphant moments, and the quiet moments.

Bliss Starter Kit

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