The Loving Power of Your Soul Book with Bonuses
"A priceless resource that transforms lives!"

Order the "Power of Your Soul" Book Today & Get Valuable Bonuses
If you are interested in having greater insights, direction, healing and intuition ...
... then this book was written for you. The Loving Power of Your Soul teaches you how to reliably access the brilliance of your soul with time-tested methods that have been proven to transform lives.
* Available in Paperback and Kindle ebook
“The Loving Power of Your Soul is a tremendously satisfying and enlightening journey from mindfulness to soulfulness, as you see and grasp the power of your soul to manifest an absolutely remarkable life. Herein lie understandings and processes for manifesting your soul’s purpose and to profit from your journey.”
Fred Gallo, author of Energy Psychology
Past President of Association for
Comprehensive Energy Psychology
We have made extraordinary breakthroughs in science, technology and medicine, which raises some important questions.
Why, in 2021, were Google searches for “burnout” 5000% higher than the previous year?
And why are anxiety (36% mental health searches) and depression (23% searches) plaguing a growing number of people?
We’ve been conditioned to stay in a box, and for most people, it is not working so well.
How then do we recognize each person’s uniqueness and gifts?
To find out, you want to access the truth that lies within. This means reliably accessing the wisdom, guidance and intuition of your soul. With tested tools and knowledge, drawn from leading-edge science, ancient traditions, and their own discoveries, the Mountroses elegantly detail how to live by the light of your soul.
The Loving Power of Your Soul shows you how to...
What People are Saying about the Book ...
As the Mountroses explore, understanding ourselves as energetic and spiritual beings in physical bodies transforms the perspective of who we are, as well as the perceptions we hold of what might be possible for us.

Jane G. Goldberg
Author of The Hormesis Effect
This is a comprehensive overview of science, ancient wisdom, and emerging holistic practices that when combined, can offer life-changing results..

Dr. Ruth Anderson
Founder Enlighten World Network
This book walks the reader through a superb connection to know and experience your soul in real ways. The healing process feel light-hearted, joyful and uplifting. What a treat!

Susann Taylor Shier
Author Soul Mastery

For a limited time only, every order includes Two Soul-Accessing Meditations and a powerful exercise described in the The Loving Power of the Soul Book:
* Soul Centering Process
* Mud to Mountaintop Process
* The Inner Strength Experiment

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