Unique Holistic/Spiritual Professional Certification Training Courses with EFT and more
“Are you ready to learn how to help others, come fully alive, and be the change you want to see in the world?”
Awakenings Institute’s popular Holistic/Spiritual Training Courses in EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) energy healing, life coaching, and more may be just what you are looking for.
With over two decades in the field, Holistic EFT experts and trainers Phillip and Jane Mountrose focus on sharing uniquely powerful tools for eliminating obstacles, accelerating personal development, and creating success. They will help you bring the vast realm of spirit down to earth and make it easy to understand and implement.
We can help customize a plan with you.
Professional Holistic Training & Certification Courses in EFT Energy Healing, Life Coaching, and more
Holistic Coaching & Healing Certification
with EFT
In-depth, hands-on live Online Coaching and Healing Certification Program. Accelerate spiritual growth while advancing your professional goals.
Holistic Ministry Training and Ordination
Become an ordained holistic minister in an interfaith environment that honors your unique calling, Training taken online
Holistic EFT Online Certification: Levels 1-3
Time-tested, effective approach to Holistic EFT, offered since 2004. Learn in depth flexible training
Spiritual Guidance Certification
Learn how to develop your intuition by connecting with angels, higher guides, the akashic records and special oracles. State-of-the art, hands-on empowering training.
Holistic/Spiritual Degree Programs
Receive a Bachelor, Master, or Doctor of Divinity Degree with a major in virtually any holistic/spiritual field -- from Awakenings Institute that is on the leading edge of higher education.
Spiritual Kinesiology Online Certification
Learn how to access your soul's wisdom for guidance & healing...Proven, profound energy healing and awakening process.

Under the direction of EFT pioneers and veteran trainers Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose, the Training Courses from Awakenings Institute, a non-profit organization devoted to creating a more loving and supportive world, can help you, often in unimaginable ways…
Why Should You Get Certified?
1. It considerably expands your knowledge and tools.
2. It gives you more credibility.
3. It provides a step-by-step structure to go deeper into healing for yourself and those you help.
4. It is a an easy-to-follow training that will help you overcome a wide variety of challenging issues.
5. A high-quality tested approaches that you can take from home, going at your own pace.
Saves time and expenses of traveling and trying to learn everything in a
weekend training.
6. Unnecessary to pay dues and join an association
Why Choose Awakenings Institute?
Awakenings Institute is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to supporting a world "where the unique gifts that each individual brings receive honor and respect, where all are nurtured."
Its founding directors, Phillip and Jane Mountrose, have been in the field 25 years and on the leading edge of EFT and other modalities for 15 years through their publications and trainings.
- It's been offering certification since 2004 and continues to develop and upgrade its certification
- 100's of people have taken the courses with consistently positive reports
- An easy-to-follow course with depth of learning from written, audio and video training that you won't find elsewhere.
We can help customize a plan with you.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."