The Ultimate Paradigm Shift Book

You can live the life you were born to live

A Brand New Guidebook for Life ─ The Ultimate Self-Help Book

Many people want a better life, one that is deeper and more fulfilling. In their new book, Phillip and Jane Mountrose share how to experience The Ultimate Paradigm Shift: A Guidebook for Creating the Life You Were Born to Live (Holistic Communications; March 9, 2018).  This spiritual book lays out a clear, verifiable path for self-development and a way to track your progress.

We’re all here to grow and live fully, to thrive and enjoy life. This practical, spiritual book shows the shift that takes readers from reacting to life to taking command of it, from seeing oneself as a victim to being a creator, from settling to living fully.

Supported by ageless wisdom, the new sciences, real-life examples and their own research, this shift reveals the way to live life more meaningfully. In the book, the Mountroses share their 7-part road map. It shows the way to go from setting your course to ultimately finding inspired action>It results in better realizing one’s dreams and goals.

The Ultimate Paradigm Shift Guidebook self-help book explores the leading-edge of personal and spiritual development. It details how to …

  • Manifest dreams of a bright future
  • Use your unique gifts and talents to make a difference
  • Understand the creation process (from idea to reality)
  • Be coachable to turn learning into mastery
  • Use targeted energy techniques for self-development
  • Engage directly with the soul
  • Enjoy life to the fullest and more

[pullquote align=”normal” cite=”Phillip and Jane Mountrose”]“Whether we realize it or not, each of us is on a quest, and life is a beautiful adventure of self-discovery.”[/pullquote]

Why is the Ultimate Paradigm Shift Important?

Experiencing this paradigm shift brings more value to life. It carries the message that, “You matter and can make a difference.” There are specific ways to create a wonderful destiny from the raw materials of one’s thoughts and feelings, combined with personal skills and talents.

“Bold,” “leading-edge,” “transformational,” and “profoundly practical” are all ways to describe this unique guidebook. Within the pages, the Mountroses give detailed knowledge and strategies on how to profoundly enjoy life’s journey and make a positive impact in the process. In effect, this guidebook saves time and energy crafting a highly productive and enjoyable life.

Personal Transformation Pioneers Phillip and Jane Mountrose are coaches, trainers, and authors of over a dozen books and manuals, including Getting Thru to Your Emotions with EFT and Getting Thru to Your Soul. They are the Founding Directors of Awakenings Institute, a non-profit organization dedicated to creating a more loving and supportive world. 

[thrive_text_block color=”light” headline=””] The Ultimate Paradigm Shift by Phillip and Jane Mountrose
Holistic Communications
ISBN: 978-1983503863; Paperback Price $14.95[/thrive_text_block]


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For More Information or to Speak to Phillip and Jane Mountrose
email us or call (805) 934-1238

Awakenings Institute
Santa Maria, CA