Confidence Building Tool Kit Course

Are you someone who wants to get the most out of life, to live fully and be the best you?

If so, here are some common problems you may have ...

  • Wanting more success in work and in life
  • Feeling good consistently with abundant energy
  • Being more self-reliant, not worrying what others' think
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     Knowing your blind spots and the limiters that are holding you back
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    Taking more charge of your life and knowing how to best fulfill your potential

What is the key to solving these inevitable problems that come up daily? Quite simply, confidence.

Studies continually find that those with confidence do better at work, have more resilience and overcome difficulties, and can achieve their goals.

  • Successful people have high self confidence
  • Self confidence is essential for personal and professional growth
  • If you want a quality life, experiencing what is possible for you, you need to know how to be self confident
  • You can learn how to develop self confidence with specific tools, knowledge and guidance

Announcing... The Confidence Building Tool Kit Course

The Confidence Building Tool Kit is a concise course designed to help you live more in alignment with who you truly are, at a deeper level. 

It's laid out step-by-step, showing you how to live life on your own terms.

Who is The Confidence Building Tool Kit Course For?

Some people need more confidence with their work, some with their personal life. More confidence will help you with your career, finances and your relationships.  

This targeted course is for...

  • Business People
  • Coaches, Consultants, Trainers
  • Speakers, Authors, Artists
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    Self-taught lifelong learners
  • Health Care Workers
  • Teachers & Educators
  • Entrepreneurs
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    Anyone who wants to empower themselves and others

Your Instructors

After 25 years of helping thousands of people through our trainings, publications, and research-- plus associating with other highly successful people-- we (Phillip & Jane Mountrose) want to share the practical tools and knowledge that will boost your self confidence.​

This Confidence Tool Kit Course is for you if ...

  • You sometimes feel uncomfortable speaking up for yourself.
  • You want to be more of your own person, instead of too often feeling self-conscious at work or with people, worrying what they think.
  • You are nervous ​talking with clients about money. You are also worried that people will be disappointed with your services and not give them what they expect. ​
  • You want to walk into a room and feel like you belong there and know you definitely have something to offer
  • You want to tap into your natural magnetism, by relaxing and being more of your authentic self -- and being able to share that with others.
  • You want to be able to handle the inevitable uncertainty, ups and downs, that life brings.
  • You want to accelerate your personal and professional growth.

Having confidence is like being on top of the world ...

you can see so much further, so many more possibilities are available... you feel strong and alive, and know you are capable of creating a great life, one that you choose... on your own terms. 

What are the results you can expect from this course?

With more confidence, you will be able to ...

  • Be more decisive and follow your heart
  • Know how to deal with criticism and become more resourceful
  • Have consistent positive self-talk, turn "I can't" to "I can"
  • Effectively deal with uncertainty and rise to the inevitable challenges of life: money, health, and relationships
  • Stop the misery of self-doubt and live life on your terms

Details on this Targeted Confidence Building Online Course

Learn how to be more calm, clear and confident every day. This will naturally lead you to realizing your greater possibilities.

Preview (5 minutes) -- press audio button arrow below to listen

    Session 1: Your True Source of Power

    • Learn how the Four New Facts of Life create your self confidence
    • Learn how to live from the place where you can naturally be your best and most creative
    • Three "Keystone" Habits that will boost your confidence in everyday situations
    • Learn the secrets revealed in Wallace Wattles little-known brilliant work The Science of Being Great and how it can instantly boost your self confidence.
    • How to use EFT to build confidence

      * Note: The course comes with a well-formatted ebook of 
      The Science of Being Great

    Session 2: The 10-minute Confidence Turnaround

    • Learn a simple process to access your deeper wisdom and knowing
    • Learn our signature "Belief Buster Process with EFT to pinpoint exactly what is holding you back
    • Find out how to slay the "Three Dragons of Self Confidence"

    You will also receive:

    * A Soul-Centering audio created for this course
    * Belief Buster with EFT Video PLUS step-by-step handout

    Session 3: Confidence-Building Values & Practices

    • Know how your core values determine your confidence
    • The new research on stress and mindsets and how it directly affects your confidence
    • Seven easy,  everyday practices that make a world of difference
    • How to use the Confidence Builder Framework

    You will also receive:

    * "Accessing the Creative Plane" visualization
    * "Belief Buster with EFT" Video PLUS step-by-step handout
    * 7 Stages of Confidence handout

    PLUS -- 10 Weeks of Confidence Coaching

    To stay confident, you will receive concise coaching by email for ten weeks -- with key insights, exercises and tips drawn from Wallace Wattles' brilliant classic work The Science of Being Great.

    Ongoing support to stay on track is invaluable -- and it's one of the top requests we get from our subscribers. You will receive a weekly laser coaching email from us for 10 consecutive weeks.

    With this course, you will receive effective tools and powerful strategies you won't find elsewhere. They are easy-to-implement and provide lasting results.

    Recap of What You Will Receive
    The Confidence Building Tool Kit Course includes:

    • Three Targeted Confidence Building Audio Classes (to download or listen to from your computer or mobile device) -- $97 value
    • 10 Weeks of  Laser Email Coaching Support-- $97 value
    • ​Four How-to Confidence Videos and all the accompanying  ​Handouts -- $47 value

    • Lifetime Accesstake the course at your own pace. You’ll also be able to return and review lessons for deeper meaning -- and gain even more clarity and confidence.

      Total Value -- $241 value -- Get Immediate Access
    Gettingthru Heart

    We value you.  

    After you complete the course, if you don't feel you received value from your studies, you can receive a full refund on your investment.

    Take Charge of your health, money and career now

    Stop losing time, money and energy in areas where you lack confidence.
    Own ​the Confidence Building Toolkit Course  now and save ​ -- and revisit the complete course as often as you like.

    Option 1
    Confidence Building Tool Kit Course

    • Three targeted, step-by-step content-rich ​audios
    • Handouts and extra targeted video and audios
    • Step-by-step strategies and tips to boost confidence and know how to keep it growing stronger
    • Weekly laser confidence coaching emails for 10 weeks


    Credit card or Paypal accepted

    Option 2
    Confidence Building Tool Kit Course

    • The complete Online Course
    • PLUS Two Individual Confidence-Building 50 minute sessions ($295 value)


     Credit card or Paypal accepted

    We look forward to working with you and taking your self-confidence to the next level. That can make a world of difference!

    To you and the person you are becoming, 

    Phillip & Jane Mountrose
    Awakenings Institute
    Santa Maria, CA

    P.S. By building your confidence, you will have more assurance and get better results. That's a very good thing.