The Magic of “One Step at a Time”

How do you get out of overwhelm and have a great, productive life? Go one step at a time.

On our Heart and Soul of Success with EFT Blogtalk Radio show today, we interviewed Nick Ortner.  He is the creator of the powerful EFT DVD The Tapping Solution.

Here are some highlights from our discussion with Nick on his success tip of  “one step at a time”:

* Affirm or tap on the phrase “I make a difference” — and really commit to that.

* Regarding the movie/book The Secret and the Law of Attraction:

1.  Missing in The Secret is how to clear blocks in your way. That’s where EFT can be “the secret” solution.

2.  Instead of just focusing on the end, what you want to “attract,” enjoy the process. Most of our time is being on the journey. Enjoy the act of creating, which includes taking action.

* Most people get stuck on trying to figure everything out before they go forward.  A better approach is to go “one step at a time.”  Much will be revealed to you at the right time by taking this approach.

* Tap on your barriers to success.  Know that virtually anything is possible. No excuses.

*  Value your own viewpoint, even if it differs from experts whom you admire.

*  You are the designer of your life. Create a life that works on all levels.

To hear the discussion we had with Nick Ortner on our Heart and Soul of Success Blog talk Radio show go to

What are your thoughts on going “one step at a time”?
