Have you ever considered the importance of becoming your own mental coach?
It’s something to think about because one of the most important keys for success is in your thoughts. Everything you create starts in your mind and your creative imagination. Success coach and trainer Tony Robbins estimates that your thinking represents 90% of your potential for success, and actions you take represent just 10%. This doesn’t mean that the actions you take to achieve success are unimportant; they are. The point here is that people who think differently act differently and it starts in the mind. Imagine yourself as a mental coach.
The Power of the Mind
As Earl Nightingale said in his famous audio presentation, The Strangest Secret, you are what you think about most of the time. This means mental coaching is an important key. The real key comes into focus it’s taken a step further.
When people hear about the the importance of thinking and mental coaching, most of them aren’t aware that they are thinking about what they don’t want most of the time, and this is what they are getting. Until this changes, their potential for success is very low.
You’re reading this because you want to get more from life and you are to be commended for seeking to raise your awareness. Since you are what you think about most of the time, the question becomes “How can you become your own mental coach?”
A Clue for Becoming Your Own Mental Coach
It’s simple: leaders are readers! The key for coaching yourself to success: start by reading books from your Success Library every day. As you read this, you may be thinking that you don’t have time. This is probably partly true and partly an excuse. If reading just a little bit every day is an proven key to success and you want to be more successful, how could you not have time? You have to make time, which brings us to your starting point: creating a Success Library
Your Library of Books for Mental Coaching
To increase your potential for success, start with these time-tested classic books:
- The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles
- The Science of Being Great by Wallace Wattles
- Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
- Ask and It is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
- The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
- The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
- How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
If you’re serious about coaching yourself to success, get all of the books on this list. Each one contains amazing insights that will develop your skills at success thinking, which will definitely raise your potential for creating the life you desire and deserve. Remember, we are only talking about reading a little bit now and then during the day, because it will change everything.
How to Use Your Success Thinking Library
1. Get up 15 or 20 minutes earlier in the morning and read. Just pick one of the books from your Success Thinking Library. In just 15 or 20 minutes, you will gain something from any of these books and it will set your thinking for the day.
2. Keep one of these books in your car, so you can pull it out and read a page or two if you have to wait for someone or something, if you stop for a bite to eat, or whatever.
3. Put one of these books in the bathroom and read just a page or two while you’re there. These specific books are literally worth their weight in gold, but only if you read them. In this regard, success thinking is like bathing. You wouldn’t think of eliminating bathing because you’ll stink. That’s why you have to do it every day. The same holds true with reading books from your success thinking library. To avoid stinking thinking, read every day!
Want to Hear It From the Master Himself?
Then follow this link to our Success Thinking blog post with the classic recording of Earl Nightingale’s “Strangest Secret.” *
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