
Life Purpose: Three Things That Give Life Meaning

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

What is your life purpose? What gives your life meaning? We all know life has its ups and downs, times of clarity and confusion. Yet it holds a rich meaning, one that you unfold through living your purpose. Your purpose motivates you to do and be your best.

You could describe your life purpose as the life that you were born to live. This all-important topic is explored in-depth in Awakenings Institute’s Holistic Coach and Healer Certification Program.

Three Things About Your Purpose that Give Life More Meaning

Here then are three factors, often overlooked, that affect your life purpose.

1. Your purpose keeps evolving, which gives life even more meaning.

You might stumble on your purpose. Also, you might discover it by doing something you enjoy.


Dealing with Negative Emotions: Letting Go of the Demons

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

How do  you deal with negative emotions? We all have difficult times: setbacks, losses and the consequences of poor choices. The more time you have lived longer you live, the more challenges you’ll face.

Of course, we want to shorten the times we experience negative impact and quickly recover and restructure. We also want to learn and grow from life’s challenges and hardships.

With uncertainty and tough times come troubling emotions: doubt, anxiety, loneliness and fear.

Releasing negative emotions is about reframing them. Let’s see how to reframe – look at through a different lens — challenging feelings that we inevitably face throughout life


In the Zone: Where It Happens

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

Being in the zone… remember the thrill of being fully engaged in something that intrigues and enlivens you, sparks your creativity and problem-solving?

It might be singing or dancing, writing or videotaping, healing or coaching, or the wonder of playing with a child or pet.

After the thrill is over, we come back to everyday routines and maintenance, and if our life is relatively in order (for the moment), we are happy and content.

four-ways-toget-inBut lifting yourself into the zone is part of a joyous life, the place where so much is unknown, exciting and possible. Here are four fun ways to get  there:

1. Dream and live your dream.

There is a magic in thinking big. You may have a dream of a better world: social justice, racial and sexual equality, a protected environment and more. To find a way to contribute, consider your talents, skills and interests. Therein lies the key to making a difference.

One lady we coached wanted a world that had a more functional medical system. This inspired her to pursue energy work to follow her heart and make the world a healthier place.


How to Choose the Right EFT Training Course

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

Top 3 Criteria for Choosing an EFT Training Course

  • Choose a proven, tested program

    Many trainings are untested and can be hit and miss. Look for an established program, one with some track record of success with those they’ve trained. Things to look for include how many years the course has been offered and testimonials.
  • Look for qualified instructors.

    The trainers should be well-qualified, with considerable experience, expertise, and communication skills.
  • Get a sense that the course is well-thought out with clarity.

    Be sure that the course is well laid out, with step-by-step instructions. In other words, there should be a clear, straightforward process to completion, something that is achievable.

    The course should have…
    * targeted study materials, preferably in different modalities (written, visual, auditory)
    * ways to practice
    * some kind of verification that you completed it to be certified.

EFT Level 1 Home Study Certification Course

Find out more about EFT Certification.




Overcoming the Top Three Energy Blocks

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

Clearing emotional and energy blocks is essential for personal and professional growth and self-development.

There are many obstacles as we progress through life. Some energy or emotional blocks are common– yet they can be quite obstinate to remove, even if hidden in plain sight.

They can stop you in your tracks. Here are three big, common showstoppers and a way to overcome each of them.

1. Pleasing

Being likable and agreeable can be part of your social graces. But it can also be an anxiety-producing tendency: to be accepted and liked no matter what.


The Reset Process: Connecting Your Head with Your Heart

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

Connect your heart and head with the Reset Process. Watch the short video below to learn this powerful holistic tool…


As you saw in the video above, by alternating with tapping across your head then your heart can help integrate those key areas (head and heart). This process can stand alone or be added on to other techniques as well.

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The popular Holistic EFT Home Study Certification Course is described in the video below…



Find out about Emotional Freedom Technique Training and more…

EFT Level 1 Home Study Certification Course
EFT Level 1 Home Study Certification Course

People like certification training courses because…

  • it builds skills
  • develops confidence
  • allows them to help more people, in more situations, including themselves

To find out more about holistic tools like the Reset Process see our training courses

Your Life Purpose: The Biggest Myth About It

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

Your life purpose is hugely important. But what is perhaps the most common misconception, the biggest myth about life purpose. Don’t let this stop you in your tracks. Watch the short video below.

Without your life purpose you…

feel lost
are confused
get off track
are slowly dying

With Your life purpose you…

have direction
feel confident
stay on track
feel alive and energized

Would you like to learn more about Discovering Your Purpose? Check out our “Discover Your Purpose”  training here.

What is my life purpose question - handwriting on colorful sticky noteslearnmore01-1

How to Be More Confident: Key to Health, Wealth, Career and Relationships

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

Worried about money? Health scare? Challenge with work or difficulty in a relationship?

The magic bullet is having confidence. Watch this video to find out more…

This short video explores three key ingredients to check for your self confidence.

Without confidence:

* you feel scattered and confused
* you are unprepared for life’s unexpected situations
* you have poorer results

WITH Confidence:

* you are calm and collected
* you are ready for whatever comes your way
* you optimize your results

Clearly one of the best things you can do to handle any situation — health scare, money problem, relationship difficulty– is learn to have strong self confidence. That is the solid foundation to build your best life on…

Confidence plays a vital role in your success and you deserve the very best.

It’s true. Confidence is a gift you (and only you) can give yourself. It provides fuel for high performance, as it gives the boost your mind needs to function well. With more confidence, your life can change in wonderful ways and who wouldn’t want that?

Special Course For Building Confidence 70% off for a Limited Time Only

To build super strong confidence and self-esteem, you really need “The Ultimate Solution.”

You’ll get the “Ultimate Solution” and much more in our Ultimate Plan for Building Confidence and Self-Esteem, and you can start today with instant access when your register. It’s all online, just waiting for you.




How to Build Your Self Confidence

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

How do you build your self confidence? What are the key ingredients you must evaluate and improve where needed?


man-atop-worldThis short video explores five key ingredients to check for your self confidence. To learn more see our Confidence Building Tool  Kit Telecourse.

The 3-part teleseries includes the Confidence Quiz handout with five more qualities, in addition to those described on the video.

Find out more about the telecourse tool kit for building self confidence…

How to Have a Great Day Today

by Philip and Jane Mountrose

How do you have a great day today?

How do you have a great day today? As Phillip explores in the short video, it’s relatively easy. If you remember… This is the second in the series of how to have a great day each day. Here’s the first post.

Two Tips

Here are two tips to have a great day each day. These tips are drawn from our book Tap into the Power of Love and Happiness with EFT: 12 Simple Ways to Have a Great Day Every Day at Amazon.

Learn how to tap into the power of love and the power of the mind and have a great day, every day. In other words, boost your love and happiness. One is gratitude. But it can be more than listing off what you are grateful for, although that can be good too.

What’s better is explaining aloud, or in writing, why you are grateful. “I’m grateful for my partner because…. she is wonderful and caring. She’s steadfast and always there for me.”

Instead of I’m grateful for my job, list what you like about it (the people, the assignments, the creativity, the conditions,,, you get the idea). Gratitude is more than just being thankful and appreciative. It is a powerful energy that can catapult your day into the happiness zone. Start and end your day with gratitude.


Second is affirmations. Say good things about yourself, aloud. Practice in the mirror. “I am a great person, a success magnet.” “Wonderful things are happening today!” Say it about yourself with energy and enthusiasm. Use big gestures like outspread arms. Have a great day today. /

Find out more here. about our new Amazon book: /

Tap into the Power of Love and Happiness with EFT




About Us

by Philip and Jane Mountrose


We’re Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose (Authors – Trainers – Coaches) and Founding Directors of Awakenings Institute, a church for the spiritually minded, which is devoted to helping to create a world where love is the guiding force and each individual’s unique gifts are honored and nurtured.

We have a gift of helping people quickly pinpoint blocks to what’s standing in the way so they can create the life they were born to live. We also specialize in bringing spiritual wisdom and healing down to earth.

We’ve been active as innovators, teachers, and published authors in the areas of spiritual development, holistic life coaching and healing with EFT, and more for over 25 years. Through Awakenings Institute, we practice as Ministers of Holistic Healing with a mission of helping to create a more loving and supportive world.

During these amazing years, we’ve explored a variety of approaches for helping people to make transformational changes. We call the signature techniques we have developed “GTT” (Getting Thru Techniques). They include the Miracle Reframe with EFT, The Reality Shift with EFT, Belief Buster Process, Gratitude Reframe, the Holistic Process to name a few. We teach these unique and powerful processes and more in our books, courses, and programs.

Our passion in life and greatest joy revolve around helping people to overcome personal challenges, discover their purpose, their reason for being alive, and create vibrantly wonderful lives. Accelerated personal and spiritual development are central to our teachings and our personal sessions with clients.

Life is an Amazing Adventure

As Oprah Winfrey said:

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”

What an inspiring thought! We want to take as many people as possible on life’s great adventure. After all, we’re all here to live fully and expand our possibilities. Since 1994, we have offered certification courses in holistic coaching and healing in California, helping people to come fully alive.

We are best known as experts in Holistic EFT, the Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT is a remarkable method that just about anyone can use to clear away the blocks that prevent them from making their dreams come true. Our first book on EFT was published in 1999 and that was just the beginning. You can learn more about our work with EFT on this website.

We also created Spiritual Kinesiology (SK), a powerful effective healing modality, which also helps you receive guidance and wisdom from the soul. EFT users find it to be a more spiritual technique that’s just as fast and effective as EFT. More on this subject can be found throughout this website.

Over the years, we learned a lot about how to create a vibrantly wonderful life and the importance of becoming a conscious creator. We’ve written more than a dozen books and manuals that are sold worldwide and touched thousands of lives. Recently we wrote The Ultimate Paradigm Shift: A Guidebook for Creating the Life You Were Born to Live.

We’ve made plenty of mistakes and now know lots of things to avoid. We’ve also learned in depth how to optimize one’s possibilities and transform one’s life in amazing ways. Our primary focus now is on teaching holistically oriented people how to come fully alive, thrive in all ways, and make the difference they want to make in the world.

If you have questions, comments, or want to know how we can help you, please follow this link to contact us.

What is Awakenings Institute?

You may also want to learn more about Awakenings Institute, the organization that created this website. As mentioned, Awakenings is a non-profit organization devoted to creating a more loving world where the unique gifts that each person brings are honored and nurtured.

With the benefit of technology, Awakenings Institute’s spiritual mission reaches individual’s worldwide, including the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, and more. People from almost every continent – North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia – have participated in Awakenings’ programs over the years.

You, too, can make a difference. Wherever you are in the world, you can be part of the change you wish to see.

Phillip and Jane Mountrose
Awakenings Institute

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