Personalized Training and Certification Programs in EFT, Life Coaching and Healing, and More

Awakenings Institute now offers Personalized Certification Programs to meet students' unique learning goals.

How do you develop your skills and expertise to excel in coaching and healing? It can be confusing to navigate and make the right choices for yourself.

The programs below are designed for budding holistic practitioners and professionals who want to add skills to their current careers. They include state-of-the-art training in EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques, SK (Spiritual Kinesiology), Spiritual and Intuitive Development, Life Purpose, manifestation, and more.

With help, achieving your dreams and goals might be easier than you think.

Creating your own Personalized Program allows you to choose from dozens of courses and other training resources. With the guidance of our experienced trainers – Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose - you can customize your training program to meet your precise learning goals.

1. Awakenings’ Main Certification Programs (groups of courses)

Our certification programs draw on more than three decades of experience in the areas personal and spiritual development, holistic coaching and healing with EFT, and much more.

Awakenings’ most popular certification programs include the following:

You can click on any of these program titles now to learn more about them. If you do, you will find that each of these programs provides uniquely powerful opportunities for your personal and professional development.

One of these three programs may be precisely what you are seeking. Maybe you still have questions, or maybe you have specific needs and goals that require a unique set of resources you may not find in these programs (or anywhere else for that matter). Whatever is happening, we are available to support you.

Maybe you'd like to know about all of the  courses that are available.

2. How to Create a Personalized Program Plan

Finding the training resources you need may be easier than you think. As mentioned, Awakenings Institute offers a wide range of courses and other resources that could become part of your personalized program. And one of our trainers can meet with you directly to discuss your needs and goals.

Together, we can develop a Personalized Program to meet your needs. If you are one of the unique individuals who would benefit from an individualized program, Awakenings Institute offers a variety of possibilities.

Consider the things people want most – health and well-being, prosperity, supportive relationships, successful lives and careers, personal and spiritual growth, and more. If you want to specialize in one of these areas (or something else), isn’t it worth finding out what Awakenings Institute could provide for you?

3. Some Potential Specialties

Imagine the possibilities. Do you have something specific in mind or are there areas that feel especially exciting to you? If so, you may be ready to create a personalized program.

Here are Some Possible Specialties for Personalized Programs:

  • Physical Healing with EFT and more
  • Weight Loss and Addictions
  • Relationships
  • Vibrant Ageless Living
  • Stress Management
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Mindfulness
  • Prosperity and Manifestation
  • Time Management
  • Organization
  • Intuitive Healing 
  • Spiritual Healing
  • Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Life Purpose
  • Spiritual Development
  • And more (use your imagination)

Maybe one or more of these possibilities interests you. Maybe you are undecided or have something else in mind. Whatever your situation, we’d be happy to discuss some options with you.

If you want to know more, you can start today with a free strategy session.

Schedule a Free Planning Session

4. Your Ultimate Success Includes Personal Growth, Too

Awakenings’ live Holistic Coaching and Healing Program focuses on more than techniques practitioners can use with clients. It includes resources for students, too. You may not want to take a live program, but you can still include some key elements of personal growth. Realistically, your success may depend on it.

Consider These Important Areas of Personal Growth:

  • Developing Confidence and Self-Esteem
  • Knowing yourself and how to optimize your strengths
  • Having tools for Manifesting your Dreams
  • Self-Empowerment
  • Developing an approach to marketing that feels good to you
  • Creating Healthy personal and therapeutic relationships
  • Learning how to teach classes and webinars

Even with the best coaching and healing techniques, becoming a successful holistic practitioner starts within. And wherever you are on the journey to wholeness, you are in the perfect place to take your next steps.

This is important. Factors like the ones mentioned here can easily block a person’s potential for success. We don’t want this to happen to you, so we may also suggest resources for your personal and spiritual development.

You may feel that you also need some personal mentoring or individual sessions. Most of us do, and these can be part of your Personalized Program, too.

Personalized Payment Plans

With a Personalized Program, you may also qualify for a customized payment plan to make things easier for your situation. Awakenings wants you to succeed and we may be able to help.

With help, achieving your dreams and goals might be easier than you think.