Learn Emotional Freedom Techniques

The Hidden Power of Emotional Healing

Emotional Healing Butterfly

EFT users recognize the power of emotional healing. What many don’t realize is that emotional healing is also a fundamental part of our personal and spiritual growth. This is because EFT (the Emotional Freedom Techniques) can be instrumental in integrating the body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Facilitating emotional healing is one of the most important parts of the work we do to help our clients to overcome the challenges that keep them stuck. Restrictive  emotions like anger, resentment, agitation, or fear are more than unpleasant. They prevent us from living fully, and realizing our heartfelt dreams.

Energetically, the restrictive emotions create blockages in the energy system that prevent our spirits from soaring. As these emotions are cleared, the restrictiveness clears and the magnificent light of our true potential shines through. The heart and soul blossom, we grow spiritually, and our light shines through into every part of our lives.

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