5 Ways to Start the New Year Right!

The energy of the new year is here. Now is the time to appreciate where you’ve been and get excited about where you are going!

Here are 5 easy ways to get off to a fresh start:

1. Affirm to have a great day.

You can affirm to have a great day… today! You will have a better day, each and every day you affirm it, even if what happens surprises you. Remember that things that happen to us are usually things we believe will happen to us. Claim your right to enjoy today.

Affirm, “Wonderful things are happening today!”

2. Be spontaneous.

Break those old patterns. Try something new. Taste a different food. Travel a scenic route. Read a book you ordinarily wouldn’t.

Give for the sake of giving. Be happy for no particular reason. Beware though: this spontaneous behavior may lead to moments of bliss.

3. Say hello to strangers.

A caveat here: greet those who appear receptive. Smiling at everyone else is usually harmless. Spark a conversation with the cashier who has a smile on her face (or who is willing to smile). Say hello to the person at the coffee shop that appears friendly.

A good question we like to ask is, “What has been the highlight of your day?” If the person draws a blank, then suggest that the highlight is coming soon.

4. Value those you love.

Familiarity might not breed contempt. But it can lead to lifeless patterns for those who are actually dearest to us.

Tell those close to you how much you appreciate and love them regularly. Notice and openly appreciate the little things and they’ll multiply. Remember that time is short and they won’t always be there.

After all, they make your life shine so why not add a sparkle to theirs?

5. Find the good in others.

“Be hearty in approbation and lavish in praise,” Charles Schwab once revealed as a secret to his success.

Look for something to sincerely admire in others. Everyone has gifts and talents. Yet all of us are rarely acknowledged.  Become an ardent acknowledger. Good things come to everyone that way.

[contentbox width=”450″ borderwidth=”1″ borderstyle=”ridge” bordercolor=”060F8F” dropshadow=”3″ backgroundcolor=”F5F5F5″ radius=”0″]Implement any or all of these suggestions, and we think you will have an extraordinary year![/contentbox]
