Are You Fit for Success?

What’s stopping you from being fit for success?  Health for success means aligning your body-mind-spirit to be your best. It’s not just about surviving, but about thriving.

Successful people are fit for success. They need to be, in order to have the energy and stamina to live fully.

One of the biggest roadblocks is fear. We’ll focus on what Napoleon Hill described in Think and Grow Rich as the ghostly fear of ill-health.

Hill noted that fear of ill-health related to two other ghostly fears: fears of old age and death. If you dwell on sickness, or just ignore good health practices, sickness becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy as you age. So being old and sick can be scary. And then there are the uncertainties that surround death itself.

The good news is that as you clear you fear of ill-health, the other fears diminish as well.


Let’s look at four key factors that generate a fear of ill-health:

1) Media messages

“Diet and exercise alone may not be enough,” as the drug ads warns us.  In other words, you need drugs because even if you do take care of yourself, it won’t work.  In addition to drugs, there are the fast food and processed food industries advertising, which can give you indigestion in more ways than one.

2) Negative self-talk

How do you talk about your body? Are things a “pain in a neck,” something you “can’t stomach,” that will “be the death” of you?

Also, do you compare yourself unfavorably to others’ looks and health? Isn’t it time to stop that?  Strive for your personal excellence, not perfection.

3) Bad habits

What about taking care of your diet? Do you deprive your body of exercise and sleep?  Drinking, smoking, overeating, gambling, tv and internet compulsion and other addictions are often used to deal with not being fit for success.

4) Self-medicating behavior

And then there is coping with stress by self-medicating behavior: drugs to fall asleep, drugs to wake up (including caffeine), alcohol, nicotine, drugs for stress, headaches, allergies,  etc. – all issues that can be dealt with in a more holistic way.


You may know what you need to do but can’t bring yourself to do it, with any consistency.

To have health for success, you know that you need to treat your body like a car, a car that must last a lifetime. To continue this analogy… get a tune up, deal with those warning signals, start tapping on EFT pressure points while saying these affirmations…

Even though my body feels like it’s breaking down, I love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I don’t have the energy I want, I can choose to think positively about myself.

Even though I have bad habits, I can start to make a small change today.

Even though I’m too busy [it’s too hard, I’m confused, overwhelmed], I can start to breathe deeper… stand up straight… stretch more… and relax myself.

Saying these affirmations is a pretty easy thing to do. Try them, or ones of your choosing. You might be surprised at the shifts you experience. Or just start tapping on the pressure points. Do it as a daily fit for success practice.

Then follow through with baby steps, making gradual changes perhaps eating one healthier thing a day, walking or sleeping more, etc.

You have a lot to offer and a lot to gain. Being fit for success is the foundation for living a great life now.

Find out more on being Fit for Success in our upcoming telecourse.
