Want to Become a Holistic Coach?

Have you ever considered becoming a holistic coach?

What if you could profoundly and powerfully help yourself and others, using coaching and breakthrough modalities like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and hypnotherapy?

Authors and coaches for the past 20 years, we (Phillip and Jane Mountrose) have trained 100’s of people through our specialized, hands-on programs — like the upcoming Manifesting Your Dreams Telecourse.

It’s part of our unique Holistic Coaching and EFT Certification Telecourse — it starts February 12, 2013.

All you need is a telephone to take the weekly classes — plus they are all recorded if you miss any or want to review them.

To give you details and samples of what our course is like, we invite you to…

WHAT: Want to Be a Holistic Coach with EFT
(Free Teleclass)

WHEN: Wednesday, January 30th, 6pm PT/9pm ET
Enroll for Your FREE Teleclass Below

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First Name

* Double-check the email address you entered above for accuracy to access the call in info for this Free Teleclass

You’ll also receive the monthly “Heart of Success” Updates if you are not already subscribed.

Privacy Assured: Your email address is never shared.

[hilight color=”FFFF00″]Space is limited; must register to attend.[/hilight]

“I wanted to share that I have done most everything Jane and Phillip taught me last year when ‘I felt like my soul was dying’ as Jane puts it — and it has helped immensely! Feel free to put that on your site and in your emails. I will gladly talk to anyone that is still on the fence and tell them that you are the real deal and get results.”
–Dr. Steve Kineret, Orthodontist, BellyFatInferno Specialist
Rocklin, California

Enroll above now for this teleclass about a life-changing Holistic Coaching and EFT Certification telecourse.

This upcoming telecourse is not only the best in hands-on tools and knowledge about Holistic Coaching and EFT. It’s a deep personal, transformational journey as 100’s of people like Dr. Steve above can attest. The telecourse certification program starts again February 12, 2013.




PS, There are a few times in your life that rare opportunities come your way. If you take them, magical, wonderful things can happen to you. This teleclass may open one of those doorways for you.

It may never come again… You’ll never know what you might have missed… unless you attend.

Enroll above for your free teleclass.


