Within each of us lies the brilliant light, power, and wisdom of the soul. Nonetheless, for most people, it’s hard to imagine tapping into the soul as a resource for improving our lives.
The majority of us believe we have souls, but few people believe we can develop an intimate relationship with this part of the self and benefit from its power and wisdom.
This can be frustrating, because something in us senses that there’s more to life. Fortunately, we’ve found that the struggles so many of us face are really opportunities in disguise.
“It’s inspiring to think that our darkest moments
call us to find the light.”
If you could access that light - the power of your soul - consider what might be possible. To us, it’s about awakening to a miraculous world where you can access inner guidance and wisdom, where you can feel good about yourself and your possibilities.
It’s also a place where your deepest dreams can become a reality. But here's the problem...To many, this possibility sounds exciting. It also understandably raises doubt. Is this really possible?
We would say yes, because we’ve witnessed it in ourselves, along with countless clients and students. With three decades in the field of holistic life coaching and healing, focusing on tapping into the power and wisdom of the soul, we’ve seen miraculous changes occurring all around us.
We’re finding that more is possible than we could have imagined when we started on this journey, and we’re still learning more about human potential. All of this became feasible for one reason: we learned how to create an intimate relationship with the soul -- that means connecting with a higher state and the higher realms that become more available.
How to Tap into the Power and Wisdom of the Soul
If you ever feel called to follow your heart, you’re on the right track. There is a connection between the heart and soul. You can find out more in our Awaken to Your Magnificence Book and Spiritual Guide Program. It explores details on how to tap into the the higher spiritual realms and how to ground it into your everyday life.
In this time of Great Awakening, the world needs as many people as possible to step up and open to more of their greater potential. This awakening develops your spiritual guidance, which leads to profound shifts in your consciousness.
In the process, you can become more able to develop and express your gifts, enabling you to be of more heart-centered service. You then create more joy and love, which radiates out in your daily life.
To help we have a concise guide book and video:
Awakening to Your Magnificence:
Your Journey into the Next New Frontier for Humanity

Awakening to Your Magnificence:
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Spiritual Guide Program's
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From our experience, with more than three decades in the field of holistic life coaching and healing, awakening to the power of the soul with its higher resources and awareness is the most transformational thing we have ever done.
We spent years searching for the keys to accessing the power of the soul, and it was worth every minute. The best thing about this approach is that just about anyone can do it. And getting started is probably easier than you could possibly imagine.
You and the Next New Frontier for Humanity
Helping you move into the next new frontier, the Awaken to Your Magnificence reference book is filled with examples and insights about how transformation happens. We work with healing, angels, masters, the akashic records, nature elementals and oracles in a synergistic way. They all work together to raise your energy and awareness daily.
This easy-to-read guide book provides a big-picture of how this practical approach fits into the Great Awakening now underway for humanity and how you can play your role wonderfully well in the process.
This exclusive Magnificence Reference Book is also used in our Spiritual Guide Program. It also comes from a video discussion about "Awakening to Your Magnificence," plus monthly Heart and Soul Newsletter updates. Get your Free excerpt and video now.