Whatever your work, you need to express it well. How do you become a passionate advocate for your work?
Success Coach and EFT Expert Pamela Bruner shared with us on how to stop being a best-kept secret and really shine on our Heart of Success Blogtalk Radio Show.
Here are some highlights from the show:
* To help people, you need personal training and business/marketing training. Most heart-centered people avoid the marketing part.
* We resisted marketing too. Common reasons people avoid marketing include…
- Fears of rejection, exposure and being pushy
- Not wanting to be too commercial, which dominates so much of the culture
* Fortunately, we have tools like EFT to easily expand our comfort zone, so success will flow more easily.
* You are meant to help certain people, with your unique gifts and skills.
* By finding a place of wholeness, you’ll go through any resistance you encounter, knowing things will work out well.
* The “Graduate School of Personal Growth” is to be successful AND heart-centered. Get your message out and live your purpose. Become the author of your own life.
To hear the blogtalk radio show on Becoming a Passionate Advocate of Your Work go to
What are your thoughts on becoming a passionate advocate of your work?