Full Potential: Roadblock #3 – No Plan

Here’s our 3rd roadblock in reaching your full potential.  (See related posts below for previous roadblocks)

3. No plan.

Do you have your goals set for the year, in alignment with your purpose.

Like a country, a person without a vision will perish.  Don’t wait for your life to come to you. Develop what you have and go for it.

“If you don’t know where you’re going, you might wind up somewhere else.” — Yogi Berra

Solution: Set monthly and yearly goals. Then plan and strategize on how to move forward.

See our upcoming Holistic Coaching and Healing Certification Telecourse.coach-badge-sm

Get the tools and knowledge you need to help yourself and others and reach your full potential.

What do you want to happen for you this year?
