Life Coaching and Healing Certification Training Courses with EFT and More
Learn About All of the Certification Training Courses at Awakenings Institute
Are you looking for training and certification in a holistic approach to life coaching, healing techniques, intuitive healing, and/or spiritual healing and counseling using powerful techniques like EFT and more?
If so, you probably want to learn the fastest, easiest, and most powerful tools and techniques possible.
Awakenings Institute has been offering holistic training courses for three decades now. If you want learn time-tested techniques with deep and lasting results from expert trainers, we invite you to take a closer look at these training courses.
On this page, you'll find a detailed overview our courses and programs (groups of courses).
These courses focus on a uniquely powerful holistic approach to EFT, Life Coaching, and Healing. Students often report that they haven’t ever found anything like it.
1. Overview of the Courses
Awakenings’ Certification Courses been providing state-of-the-art tools and training for three decades now. Our courses and programs (groups of courses) are an important part of Awakenings’ non-profit mission.
These state-of-the-art courses and programs (groups of courses) specialize in tools and techniques that offer deep and lasting changes with joy and ease. This allows users to move forward more easily with their lives and accelerates their personal and spiritual development.For more than two decades,
Students are particularly impressed with the quality of the training – for its depth, the effectiveness of the techniques, and its uniqueness. Students are surprised to find how many things they learn that they would not find anywhere else.
Here’s what Jen Peters, a graduate from New Zealand, said:
"I spent two years searching for these courses. I knew I was looking for something but wasn't sure what until I came across them. It has helped me enormously and in unexpected ways. It provides structure to an area that is traditionally quite ethereal and difficult to put into meaningful processes.
"I don't know of any other courses even remotely like these, with the scope they have."
2. Who the Courses Are For
If you want to learn highly effective holistic/spiritual techniques and approaches that transform lives, you may be overwhelmed by the number of choices.
Students at Awakenings Institute appreciate our heart-centered approach, the depth of the training, and the effectiveness of the techniques.
These courses and programs (groups of courses) are valuable for:
Budding holistic practitioners who are in the process of building successful holistic practices.
Professionals, including teachers, therapists, nurses, psychologists, and many others who want to increase their effectiveness with the people they serve
Open-minded individuals who are interested in personal and spiritual growth and want to have powerful tools they can use for the rest of their lives to accelerate their development
Anyone who wants to make the world a better place
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Awakenings Institute values its students for the difference they are making in the world.
With this in mind, our mission came into focus in the mid 1990’s, and Awakenings Instutute was incorporated and approved as an IRS non-profit organization in 2005. Our mission involves helping to create a more loving and creative world where each individual’s unique gifts are honored and nurtured. And our students play an important part in the realization of this dream.
In the big picture, the goal of our trainings is to help to make the world a better place through holistic life coaching and healing. Powerful techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), SK (Spiritual Kinesiology), and others help people in all walks of life to become more healthy, happy, kind, loving, fulfilled, and resourceful.
When people learn to live more fully, they can realize their full potential and share their unique gifts with the world in miraculous ways.
Graduates can apply the skills they learn at Awakenings Institute in almost any area of life with positive results. With so many applications (which you can explore below), just about everyone can benefit from the tools and techniques.
You can use these tools and techniques with just about any issue, including health and well-being, emotional freedom, prosperity, relationships, career, and much more.
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The possibilities are almost limitless.As you might imagine, graduates have a wealth of opportunities.
Depending on the courses a student completes, applications for Awakenings' courses include:
Emotional Health
Anger and Frustration
Painful Memories and Childhood Issues
Death and Grieving Depression
Emotional Healing Fears and Phobias
Healing Wounds from the Past
Managing Stress and Anxiety
Health and Well-Being
Physical Cravings Health Issues
Healthy Habits
Increasing Vitality
Pain Relief
Sleeplessness and Fatigue
Weight Management
Wellness and Aging
Personal Growth
Life Balance
Time Management
Organizing and Clearing Clutter
Performance Issues (like sports, test taking, etc.)
Overcoming Procrastination
Realizing Dreams and goals
Self-Doubt and Self-Esteem
Valuing Oneself
Professional Development
Money and Abundance
Public Speaking and Developing Courage in Other Areas
Success Skills
Work/Life Balance
Abusive Relationships Co-Dependence
Effective Communication
Family Relationships
Love and Marriage
Spiritual Relationships
Spiritual Growth
Dimensional Shifts
Energy Healing
Life Purpose
Past Life Regression
Soul Awareness and Guidance
Spiritual Healing
And More...
4. Online Independent Study Courses
Most of Awakenings’ courses are designed for independent online study with a personal touch. Individual mentoring is included to address questions and help students to achieve their learning goals as quickly and easily as possible. All of the courses also include a personal review upon completion, with guidance on taking the next step.
Awakenings offers a compelling menu of choices. Each course is specially designed to add resources and enhance the others. Our goal is for you to find the approaches that provide the most value to you.
The Independent Study Courses include:
Holistic EFT Level 1
Holistic EFT Level 2
Holistic EFT Level 3
Spiritual Kinesiology Course
The Spiritual Healer Course
EFT Intuitive Healer Course
Spiritual Intuitive Course
Life Purpose Course
The Holistic Approach to Eating Course
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Each of Awakenings' courses is unique, offering tools and techniques that are n't found in any of the other courses.
You can also explore any course further by following the link in the title.
Here's what students learn in these Courses:
Holistic EFT Level 1:This foundational course trains students in processes uniquely designed for Holistic EFT with written materials, audios, and videos. In addition to learning how to do EFT and related techniques, students learn powerful processes that deepen the healing. These processes include the Holistic Technique, the Reality Shift, the Unification Process, the Miracle Reframe with EFT and more.
Holistic EFT Level 2:This course builds and expands on the Level 1 course. It explore in depth the many aspects of the healing journey – in particular focusing on how EFT can help with physical dysfunction and well-being. It draws on the Phillip and Jane Mountrose’s Fit for Success Training Course, which includes recordings of live classes and demonstrations.
Holistic EFT Level 3:This course teaches success, prosperity, and life purpose skills. It is based on Wallace Wattles classic book The Science of Getting Rich. For this, the Mountroses have written a book, The Science of Getting Rich Simplified with EFT, which updates and enhances Wattle’s teachings for the 21st century. The training provide insights and uniquely powerful healing processes using EFT to clear blocks to success and live life to the fullest.
Spiritual Kinesiology Course:SK (Spiritual Kinesiology) is a complete healing system with three focuses: 1.) identifying the source of virtually any issue, 2.) healing the blockage, and 3.) accessing insights on the significance of the healing and how to move forward effectively. This special course was created by SK’s developers, Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose. It is a profoundly effective system for moving easily through challenges with elevated spiritual awareness and accelerating personal and spiritual development.
The Spiritual Healer Course:This profoundly effective course trains students in an advanced approach to spiritual healing. From a holistic perspective – integrating the body, emotions, mind, and spirit – healing at the spiritual level is the deepest and most effective form of healing. And students can easily confirm this truth for themselves. This approach taps into miraculous possibilities for overcoming a wide range of challenges on all levels of an individual’s awareness.
EFT Intuitive Healer Course: This transformational course brings intuition down to earth so students can easily tap into their innate and uniquely powerful intuitive resources for healing, important insights, personal development, and more. Unique healing tools using Holistic EFT add to the effectiveness of this approach. It is a great enhancement to Holistic EFT training, as well as a tremendous step in a student’s personal development.
Spiritual Intuitive Course: This course delves more deeply into the depths of spirit and universal truth. It draws on the book Intuitive Techniques for Getting Thru to Your Soul, which is also based on the Mountroses’ book Getting Thru to Your Soul. It teaches students how to use their intuition in a systematic, comprehensive way for deep, lasting results. Focuses include developing the soul’s gifts, using symbolic imagery, understanding and balancing the human energy field, how to use vibrational healing, and much more. This course is a great follow-up to the EFT Intuitive Healer Course.
Life Purpose Course:This unique course teaches students what makes people tick. It helps them to understand peoples’ greatest lessons and gifts, their core similarities and differences, and the core blockages that often keep people stuck for their entire lives. Most importantly, students learn how to bring the vast realms of spirit fully into form to create the most joyful and fulfilling life imaginable.
The Holistic Approach to Eating Course: This course is currently under development. If selected, you can be part of this process. It's based on the Phillip and Jane Mountrose's book entitled Lighten Up and Lose Weight For Life. Awakenings’ approach for achieving a healthy relationship with food and reaching one’s ideal weight is presented in a time-tested and highly effective four-week program students can use personally and with clients to lose weight naturally. It also includes the use of EFT and guided visualization to heal wounds and help people to reach their inner and outer goals.
The training materials include the use of techniques drawn from different modalities, including EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, SK (Spiritual Kinesiology), Holistic Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Development, Intuitive Development, Life Purpose, and more. The combination of these modalities produces a powerful synergy for healing and growth.
In the next part of this page, you'll find a list of programs (groups of courses) we recommend. You can also choose to create your own "personalized program." A targeted group of courses can create a powerful foundation for or addition to any holistic practice.
Need Help?
Let us help you to design the right program for you. All you need to do is schedule a Free Strategy Session.
5. Independent Study Programs with Groups of Courses
Awakenings' independent study courses are currently part of four training and certification programs with specific focuses.
John Fiore, a Sports Performance Coach from New Jersey, describes Awakenings' Holistic EFT Training Program this way:
"Compared to other trainings, this Holistic EFT training puts it all together, clarifying and advancing what I have learned over the years. It showed me how to have deeper healing.
Without this training, I would have missed so much. I'm also getting great feedback from my clients now."
For professional development, Awakenings Institute generally recommends that students complete a minimum of three training courses. This provides students with a wide range of resources in their areas of interest that pay them back over and over again in years to come.
Once you learn the techniques you can use them freely for a lifetime. This alone is a tremendous value that we at Awakenings Institute wouldn't want to miss.
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The Programs described here are carefully designed to provide comprehensive training that graduates can use for years to come.
Programs Include:
The Holistic EFT Program includes three courses where students learn powerful processes using EFT for deep and lasting results. Holistic EFT is unique in its effectiveness and its access to the vast realms of spirit, which is where the deepest healings occur. Students learn how to use Holistic EFT in a wide range of applications, including emotional freedom, eliminating stress, overcoming insomnia, relieving pain, creating physical well-being, stopping smoking and other habits, reaching one’s ideal weight, improving performance, success and manifestation, personal growth, and more.
The Spiritual Counselor Program includes four courses plus final studies. Courses include Holistic EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), SK (Spiritual Kinesiology), Intuitive Development, and Life Purpose. This combination provides a solid foundation for a spiritual counseling practice. SK (Spiritual Kinesiology) is a complete healing system with three focuses: 1.) identifying an issue and 2.) healing the blockage, and 3.) accessing insights on the significance of the healing and how to move forward effectively. In the Spiritual Counselor Program, students also learn highly effective counseling skills that are designed to connect clients with profound spiritual truths. Awakenings’ unique approach provides a beautiful bridge between heaven and earth.
The EFT Intuitive Healer Program includes two courses, It starts with the Holistic EFT Level 1 Course to provide students with a sound foundation for intuitive healing. From there, students learn how to open to their intuition and how to use specific intuitive techniques for increasing spiritual awareness, insights, and healing. This course, which hones in on intuitive healer training, includes a wealth of information and techniques for intuitive healing with EFT and more. You can also add Spiritual Kinesiology Course training too.
The Spiritual Healer Program, which includes two courses, trains students in Awakenings’ most advanced healing process, the Super Reality Shift. As a foundation, students first take the first Holistic EFT Course and the SK Course. From there, they move into pure spiritual healing, where anything is possible, and miracles commonly occur.
The Weight Management Program includes three courses. It focus on health and well-being, with a specialty on losing weight naturally. This program is currently under development and participants can be a part of this important process.You can click on any of these program titles now to learn more about them.
6. Live Online Courses and Programs
The Live Online Courses are three parts of Awakenings’ Holistic Coaching and Healing Program with EFT and more. This is a full-year in-depth program with weekly classes and labs presented live and in a treasure of study materials by Drs. Phillip and Jane Mountrose, the founding directors of Awakenings Institute.
The Live Courses include:
Awaken to Your True Purpose: This course focuses on how to realize one's life purpose, which includes overcoming the blocks that prevent people from creating the fulfilling lives they desire.
Manifest Your Dreams: This course teaches students the keys to manifestation step-by-step, with powerful coaching and healing techniques to use each step of the way.
The Heart of Success: Here, students focus on how to make deep and lasting changes and tap into their inner wisdom to guide them in achieving meaningful success.
The Holistic Life Coaching and Healing Program with EFT
The three live courses are three parts of the Holistic Life Coaching and Healing Program with EFT. Together, they create a powerful synergy that creates miraculous changes in people's lives.
This program is carefully designed to realize these goals:
Teach powerful skills students in holistic/spiritual life coaching and healing
Provide a broad range of training related to specific areas of focus students may want to pursue.
Include an overview of the big picture, helping students to answer the big questions – “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?”
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Each of the live courses serves two primary goals: 1.) providing insights on an important topic like manifestation, 2.) teaching specific tools, techniques, and coaching strategies students can use in a variety of ways.
Together, the three courses also provide a uniquely powerful overview of personal and spiritual growth that address the big questions: who we are, why we are hear, and where we are going.
Here's what students learn in the live courses:
Manifest Your Dreams: This course teaches students how to realize their dreams. It draws on Awakenings’ “Heart of Success Roadmap,” which outlines the process step-by-step. The roadmap provides profound insights on how to help people who feel stuck in undesirable situations. This course also includes fast and effective energy healing techniques, like Reframing and EFT, along with powerful techniques drawn from hypnotherapy and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). It’s a unique course that provides great value to participants.
The Heart of Success: In this profound and practical course, students learn how to tap into the heart of success. It identifies the seven stages of spiritual development and pinpoints how to support people at each level. This course includes SK (Spiritual Kinesiology), a comprehensive spiritual healing system for rapid and long-term success. Spiritual Kinesiology (an energy-healing process pioneered by the Mountroses) connects users with their inner wisdom and eliminates the kinds of interference that keeps people stuck.
Awaken to Your True Purpose: In this course, students learn how to live their lives with a deeper purpose. In the process, they learn about their deeper identities as spiritual beings on an evolutionary journey, here with important lessons to learn and unique gifts to share. This course also identifies personality types (archetypal roles) that bring deeper awareness to their purpose and the roadblocks they encounter on the spiritual journey. This allows students to pinpoint how to work comfortably and effectively with many different types of people.
This depth of this training is immensely valuable both for the development of our students and for helping their clients to experience profound changes in their lives.
One graduate, Jackie Kay from Montrose, Colorado, is now a Women's Wealth Coach. Here's how she describes her experience with Awakenings Institute:
"I knew I wanted to be a life coach and also knew I would need to learn and grow to do so. I didn't realize, though, how quickly I could transform for the better.
"Awakenings' program has really changed my life. I've grown by leaps and bounds. Now I have a new niche, quite unexpected, and have more than doubled my income from when I started as a massage practitioner and have become a speaker, life coach and empower women.
"So many miracles happening -- I'm really excited."
7. Awakenings’ Training Materials
Awakenings courses contain a wealth of training materials, including books, manuals, audios, videos, and more. Decades of dedication have gone into the development of the courses and these priceless training materials. And each year, there’s more – new resources, updates, improvements, and enhancements.
The training materials include the use of techniques drawn from different modalities, including EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques, SK (Spiritual Kinesiology), Holistic Hypnotherapy, NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), Spiritual Healing and Spiritual Development, Intuitive Development, Life Purpose, and more. The combination of these modalities produces a powerful synergy for healing and growth.
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The books, manuals, audios, videos and extra resources students can use with their clients are thorough, time-tested, and easy to understand. They draw on more than three decades of learning, trial and error, implementation, innovation, and experience in the field.
Students especially appreciate the depth of the training materials. These resources become valuable reference guides students can review as they progress. Because of the depth of knowledge, students have resources that can enhance their learning for years to come.
8. Your Next Step
Who knows what might be possible if you follow your heart?
If you are ready to learn more, you have some options:
Follow the links on this page to explore the courses and programs
Explore Awakenings' Personalized Plans, where you can design your own program to meet your unique learning goals
Schedule a FREE Planning Session to Discuss your options