Reality Creation: Are You a Victim or Creator?

We are all creators, if we choose to be. How do you have conscious creation? Let us explain…

Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, surveyed about 16,000 people about success.

Here’s what he found: only about 5% of people were successful, meaning they enjoyed their work, were prosperous and had an ongoing feeling of fulfillment. They were creators.

Creators don’t view themselves as victims, and act accordingly — as persons who craft their own lives.

Here are 5 key steps to create success so you can become a conscious creator:

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    • Get a dream.

      Your “why” can be a big picture, a larger vision of your life. For us, we envision creating a more caring, prosperous and collaborative world. Without a dream, how can you have your dream come true, as the song goes. Writing it down will cement it and speed up the process. Be as specific as you can when you write it down.  Most people lack this fundamental part of being a creator, so this should be a top priority.

    • Specify a chief aim.

Napoleon Hill cites successful people as those who focus daily on want they want to achieve — a project, an income, a business, better health or relationships. Be sure when you “think” about the goal, you feel good. In other words, you expect it to happen, even if you don’t know how (which is often the case).

If your aim is too big, shrink it so it’s achievable. And when you think about your aim you get excited. You know it’s going to happen.

Think about this aim as often as possible.

  • Be pro-active, not reactive.
    Live your life so it moves forward, living your dream and realizing your chief aim.Watch for making mountains out of molehills. This means responding to each situation, not reacting to it. Be steady and as calm as possible. Breathe.

Use your mind to seek the resources you need. If an unexpected expense came up, are you reacting or responding? Just being pro-active will often help you be ready for the unexpected as much as you can.

In short, take charge of your life. If it is to be, it’s up to me. Remember you are a creator, not a victim.

  • Learn from every setback.
    Napoleon Hill pointed out that each adversity holds the seed for an opportunity. For those who see themselves as “unlucky,” they view misfortune as “it always happens to me.” They use bad luck to confirm their victim mindset. The “lucky” people find the silver lining in troublesome times. They learn and grow, knowing their dreams and chief aim are coming true.
  • Be persistent.It’s said that successful people do what others won’t do. They keep going and going and going, somewhat like the Energizer bunny. If they fall down, they get back up.After all, how could you quit on your dream? It would make life dull and empty, and it’s self-destructive.




In our lives, for many years we were looking for a social network of like-minded people (a dream). Even though we sometimes felt alone in the wilderness, we followed our intent to find an uplifting group (chief aim), trusting it would somehow happen.

When a group of people turned out to not be the right fit for us, we keep on seeking (proactive). We appreciated the group, even if it wasn’t what we were looking for (learn from setbacks). And we persisted.

Now we have found a wonderful network of people, one that supports people in accomplishing their dreams and goals. This group has actually exceeded our expectations.

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You can create success and experience conscious creation.

We outlined 5 key to-do’s in this article on becoming a creator. Here are a few don’t’s:

* don’t be average

* don’t compare yourself to others – be yourself

* don’t live our others’ dreams; follow your own

* don’t settle – you do deserve better

* don’t give up on having a greater life, ever

You are so worth it. Here’s to you, fellow creator!


