Holistic/Spiritual Life Coaching and Healing

Your Life Purpose, Your Life: The Life Purpose Paradox

What is the purpose of your life? Your life purpose is all-important, yet seemingly elusive and abstract. It seems at once urgent yet obscure. It’s difficult to express, at least initially.

Yet with all its mystery, your purpose it’s what you are here to do and accomplish. It’s what makes your life more meaningful and significant.

Your life purpose gives your life a broad, overarching theme. It may focus on your love of music or humor. It may be raising awareness on social or environmental issues. It may be improving online or offline communication It may be building things, or performing with a greater purpose. it may be serving as a role model for others.

Close range it may seem hard to figure. Yet a wider lens can be revealing.

Your life purpose could be seen as a paradox. A paradox is defined: as “a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.”

To explore this lofty yet practical topic, here are some things to consider:

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Life: The Ultimate Stress Test

Life comes with stress, some necessary and some not. Life is the ultimate stress test. So what can you do about it?

We want to help you develop a game plan for dealing with life’s tensions. In other words, ways to pass the ultimate stress test – your life.

Ordinarily, a stress test means finding out your heart’s health by going on a treadmill or other monitoring programs. For banks, a stress test determines how well they can withstand an economic crisis.

How to Handle Stress

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5 Steps to Make Your Dreams Come True with Spiritual Life Coaching

Make your dreams come true

Making your dreams come true is one of the greatest joys in life. It’s also a key focus of holistic/spiritual life coaching.  We’re all here to live fully – to feel alive, expansive, and engaged in creating a bright future.

This is what we call the “Heart of Success.” It makes pursuing your heartfelt dreams and goals an important priority and “Ground Rules” play a critical role.

A Special Opportunity to Make Your Dreams Come True with Spiritual Life Coaching

The 5 Essential Steps below transform lives. They’re time-tested and highly enjoyable. With these steps, you can become your own spiritual life coach.

These steps are essential both for individuals who want to coach themselves to success and for holistic/spiritual life coaches who help clients to get the most out of life.

You may also be interested in knowing you’ll find a Special Free Opportunity to learn even more at the bottom of this post.

If you’re intrigued, you can take this opportunity now …

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