Full Potential: Roadblock #2 – Wrong Focus

Here’s the second reason we fail to reach our full potential.

2. Focusing on what you don’t want.

How much of your time focuses on problems, reviewing what’s wrong.?

Yes there is much that needs improvement. The mainstream is excessively materialistic and misses the more subtle awareness of things. Even though the CNN Reality has its limits, we can appreciate the good parts of the mainstream (technology and scientific progress).

The higher goal, to reach your full potential, is to find a balance. We don’t have to go into rejection mode and throw the baby out with the bathwater.

If you say that you don’t care about success, it just pushes good things away from you.

Solution: Focus on the good and clarify your purpose. Use all the resources available (mainstream and unconventional) to succeed and make the world a better place.

See our upcoming “Heart of Success: Transformational Spiritual Coaching” course. It’s part of our Holistic Coaching and Healing Telecourse Certification Program.

How do you deal with maintaining your focus on what you want?
