How to Achieve Your Dreams & Goals: 2 Master Questions

You do want to have a greater, more meaningful life. This means having specific dreams and goals to guide you.

As holistic coaches, we want to share two master questions that will help you to achieve your all-important dreams.


To understand why these two questions are so powerful, first a little neuroscience (brain science). Your brain has the astonishing capacity to recognize billions of patterns. If I say “cute, wagging tail,” it doesn’t take long to picture a dog.

We can complete countless pictures and sentences just by accessing this vast pattern-recognizing ability we have.

You can harness this vast storehouse of patterns at your fingertips to help you realize your dreams and goals.


The first question is, “What will happen if you don’t go for your dreams and goals?”

The second question is, “What will be it like if you do accomplish your dreams and goals?”

The first question elicits negative patterns, the second one elicits positive patterns. Both are equally important to ask, and work hand in hand.


Let’s give two quick examples on now this works on a dream or goal.

Example 1: Say your dream or goal is to have a business or career you love.

1st Question: “What will happen if you don’t go for a business/career you love?”

Possible answers will come pretty readily.

Such as… I’ll feel unsatisfied. I won’t amount to much compared to what I could have. I won’t be able to help myself and others in a meaningful and exciting way.

2nd Question: “What will it be like if you do find a business or career you love?”

Possible answers: I’ll feel fulfilled. I’ll help myself and others in exciting ways. I’ll be making a difference.

Example 2: You want to reach your ideal weight.

1st Question: “What will happen if you stay overweight?”

Possible answers: I’ll keep feeling tired. I’ll look and feel bad. It may lead to illness and disease. I’ll disappoint myself.

2nd Question: “What will be it like if you do attain your ideal weight?”

Possible answers: I’ll feel and look so much better. I will be healthier and inspire others. I’ll be freer to do and wear what I want.


Use this carrot or stick approach with these two master questions. The stick is the first question about not going forward, and keeping the status quo. The carrot is the second question of imagining the good things that will come with attaining your dreams and goals.

An important note when you do this exercise: make sure to do the first “stick” question. People sometimes avoid that one (about not getting your goals) because it may bring us some momentary discomfort.

Why make sure to ask it? By harnessing your pattern recognition ability, you will get at a deeper level what will happen if you remain where you are.

By identifying negative consequences of staying where you are (unsatisfying job, sluggish body, etc.), you will get a clear picture. This sharper image will motivate you to go forward, especially after answering the second question.

Otherwise if you avoid the first stick question, you might not get over the hump. You are at risk of staying where you are and getting by with the status quo. In effect, it’s better to chase your dreams rather than run from your fears.


Do this powerful simple exercise as soon as possible. If you delay, your settle-for part can stay in control. Asking these two questions shows you something critical about yourself — your aliveness.

How alive are you with your dreams? How alive are you without your dreams? It’s a big difference.

So be brave and go for it. Ask these two master questions and you might be surprised at what you will learn. It’s time to accomplish your goals.

Fulfilling your dreams will be that much easier…. and life can be so much better!
