Holistic/Spiritual Life Coaching and Healing

Your Higher Vision: A New Map of Reality

In today’s turbulent world, it’s imperative to find a higher vision from which to act and pursue your daily life.  This article will outline ways to create your own higher vision and create a new map of reality.

To Start Your Higher Vision

To start, find a peaceful place where you can reflect on a better world in which to live. This more wonderful world, based on ideals such as love, peace, prosperity and harmony can inspire you to be more and to act more from an inspired place.

You may never reach the ideal, but you’ll become more in the process of pursuing it. The idea is to move forward and elevate your life, enhancing your journey and the world you live in.your higher vision

Words I chose for my current vision are “caring, creative and collaborative.” I would like the world to be a more caring, creative, collaborative place. Although there are many values I admire, those particular ones hold a lot of energy for me. You may have other qualities that most spark your passions.

Next for Your Higher Vision …

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Finding Life Purpose: Four Things You Need to Know

Without life purpose, you are purpose-less, adrift throughout life. To find your purpose, though, takes some experience and maturity to be live more consciously, more on purpose, more soulfully.

Once you become a “grown up,” you aren’t necessarily an adult, even if you are biologically full grown. That is, you are not a completely conscious, developed human, although you can continue to grow expand if you choose. Growth is no longer automatic.

Science Breakthrough for Mental Stages of Development

The conventional wisdom used to be that growth was largely physical — what you see is what you get. Yes, the mind of a child develops to a teen and adult, corresponding with school grades — and then you ‘graduate’ into adulthood.

It was a breakthrough for science when in recent years it was discovered that new brain cells could grow in an adult. The old notion of limited growth was upended. Growth didn’t end after you started so-called adulthood.

But what’s more profound is you can spiritually transform yourself — and finding and living life purpose is (potentially) part of your most important development.

Four Keys for Finding Life Purpose

Here are four things to know about your all-important purpose.

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A Spiritual Law of Success: Octaves and Intervals

Years ago, we came across a relatively unknown spiritual law of success that’s important for anyone who wants to be successful in life. It’s a key for avoiding a common pitfall we commonly see when people reach for their dreams and goals.

Spiritual Seasons

The phrase
“to everything there is a season”
relates to this law.

What’s So Special About This Spiritual Law?

This concept could change your life and, where applicable, enhance your abilities as a healer, coach, or counselor.

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Accessing The Soul’s Inner Guidance and Wisdom: Three Keys

Soulful Flower

Are you seeking to access more of the Soul’s Inner Guidance and Wisdom?

If so, it may be the most profound discovery on your journey to wholeness. When you are ready, the soul blossoms like a precious flower. Accessing the soul’s inner guidance and wisdom may also be easier than you imagine.

Learning to access the soul’s inner guidance and wisdom was a pivotal moment on our spiritual journey and the same may be true for you. It was the culmination of a years long search and our desire here is to speed the journey for you.

Our Soul Searching Story

We met years earlier, in the mid 1970’s, as members of a spiritually oriented organization called the Fellowship. We learned a lot as members, but ironically, our greatest lesson was not part of the teachings.

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