Holistic/Spiritual Life Coaching and Healing

Finding Life Purpose: Four Things You Need to Know

Without life purpose, you are purpose-less, adrift throughout life. To find your purpose, though, takes some experience and maturity to be live more consciously, more on purpose, more soulfully.

Once you become a “grown up,” you aren’t necessarily an adult, even if you are biologically full grown. That is, you are not a completely conscious, developed human, although you can continue to grow expand if you choose. Growth is no longer automatic.

Science Breakthrough for Mental Stages of Development

The conventional wisdom used to be that growth was largely physical — what you see is what you get. Yes, the mind of a child develops to a teen and adult, corresponding with school grades — and then you ‘graduate’ into adulthood.

It was a breakthrough for science when in recent years it was discovered that new brain cells could grow in an adult. The old notion of limited growth was upended. Growth didn’t end after you started so-called adulthood.

But what’s more profound is you can spiritually transform yourself — and finding and living life purpose is (potentially) part of your most important development.

Four Keys for Finding Life Purpose

Here are four things to know about your all-important purpose.

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Why Manifest Your Dreams?

Why manifest your dreams and follow your heart? One of the greatest gifts in life is the gift of choice. In so many ways, you can choose how you want to live. You are the author of your life.

shooting star-smallTo manifest your dreams you will need to choose differently, to lift yourself out of the familiar comfort zone and the status quo.

For more – for a better a life – you need to seek more, whether on a material or immaterial level, whether more things or more consciousness, and the two can be consciously connected.

Here are three reasons for manifesting your dreams:

  1. You become empowered.

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Manifesting Your Best Year Ever – Part 1: “Our Manifestation Journey”

In this 4-part series, we want to share some of our best tips and secrets on manifestation. Why manifestation? Well, creating a better, deeper and richer life is about manifesting.

Manifesting is defined as: “displaying or showing (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrating.”

butterfly-manifesting-small2The reason we teach an entire course (called Manifesting Your Dreams) on this subject is because it lends itself so well to personal and professional growth and transformation. You can manifest for yourself or help others manifest (in your specialty/niche area): better health, better wealth or business,or  better relationships. 


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What is Spiritual Intelligence?

What is spiritual intelligence and how do you boost it? In this short video, holistic coach Phillip Mountrose explains how spiritual intelligence uses your other intelligence (physical-mental-emotional) to grow and help you evolve. It includes finding your life purpose as well. Turn on your speakers and watch the short video below… Find out more about …

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Are You Following Your Heart and Blisters?

Have you ever wanted to take a course, start a new business, join a group, and… something gets in the way?

You are too busy, an unexpected bill comes, a family member needs your help…

obstacles-road-signAre these obstacles signs from the universe that it’s not supposed to be?  Or that you need to put your dreams on hold?

Does that suggest the universe will make things easy, all the traffic signals will be green, in order for you to follow your heart and even your calling?

Yes there is a sense of timing to things. Synchronicities occur. Interference can alert you to things to watch out for and perhaps re-evaluate.


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Holistic Coaching and EFT: Tap into Your Full Potential

Holistic Coach and EFT energy pioneer Phillip Mountrose explains how to reach your potential with holistic life coaching. Turn up your speakers and watch the video below… / This mini holistic life coach training will show you 3 keys including how to be happy and the Mountrose signature “Yes” EFT Tapping Technique. Phillip also shows …

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