Soulful Living Show: Get the Most Out of Life

What is really important?  To live fully and aligned with your soul would be our answer at Awakenings Institute.

To help, watch our weekly Facebook Live Show: Soulful Living.

Each show offers an actionable soulful tip and strategy to start your week off right — and put your life on course, spirally upward.

We, Phillip and Jane Mountrose, share from our over two decades in the holistic coaching and healing fields, including dozens of publications and trainings.  Also we have wonderful guests on too!


Past show topics have included:

Strengthen Your Intuition

Tap into the Power of the Present

Connect with the Power and Wisdom of Your Soul

Opening to Miracles

Unconditionally Loving Yourself

Letting Go of the fear of dying and loss

Start and End the Day on a Positive Note

The power of appreciation

Be compassionate with yourself

Take Care of Yourself First

Reap the benefit of spiritual healing

Bringing the Vast Realms of Spirit Down to Earth

Make Joy Your Compass

Activating Your Creative Spirit

Knowing Yourself: Your Greatest Lesson and Gift

Thriving in Uncertain World

Successfully Handling Crisis

Lighten Up Yourself and Your Life

Step Outside — Breathe — and Focus on the Big Picture

Hope to see you with us, live on Sundays at 4:30 pst/7:30 est or to review past shows go to
