Seven Essential Tools for Personal and Spiritual Transformation

The desire to evolve and grow is built into each and every one of us. Curiosity about who we are and why we’re here never wanes. It’s part of our essential nature and reason for being alive.

Effective tools for self-discovery can be priceless whether you are an individual seeking keys for growth or a holistic professional serving others. And if this subject is as fascinating to you as it is to us, you’d probably be thrilled to have a complete box of tools for personal and spiritual transformation.

This post provides an overview of seven essential tools for personal and spiritual transformation, with links to more free articles and opportunities.

You may also want to check out the Free Resources overview page.

We emphasize the desire for a complete toolbox, because this is what we were seeking when we started our journey as spiritual seekers and holistic professionals nearly thirty years ago. We’ve seen well-intended seekers remain stuck for years and even decades because they were missing some pieces of the puzzle.

With an intense interest in spiritual development, we researched and implemented a wide variety of approaches over many years. Some of them provided pieces of the puzzle. Others claimed to have the whole truth, but their claims didn’t seem to bear out in practice.

We weren’t willing to settle for partial results and neither should you. With persistence, the missing pieces as the picture of who we are and why we are here gradually fell into place.

We aren’t claiming to “know it all.” Each of us is evolving as our awareness deepens, and we have benefited from the growth we have experienced, along with the transformational changes our clients and students achieve with our approaches.

A Holistic Approach to Personal and Spiritual Transformation

As a result of our research and experience in the field, we implemented a holistic approach to personal and spiritual transformation. With a desire to keep it simple, we appreciate the holistic model for being free of dogma.

We find a holistic approach to be the most objective. The understanding of how everything is connected demonstrates how, as suggested, the entire journey to wholeness is built into us. We can witness our path to wholeness in the transformation of the mind, the heart, and the entire energy field.

Every part of us – our bodies, emotions, minds, and experiences in life – provide pieces of the puzzle of who we are, why we are here, and where we are going.

Your Toolbox for Personal and Spiritual Transformation

If this is your time for change, this toolbox may be of interest to you. It contains essential keys for transformation that we all have to address on the path to wholeness.

1. Understanding who we are. This is a huge key. We are spiritual beings who are here to live fully and grow. We want to feel fully alive and experience well-being on all levels – body, emotions, mind, and spirit. And the bridge to our wholeness lies in the center of our being – in the wisdom that emerges from our hearts and souls. To begin, we provide a version of the centering process that transforms lives. Connecting with your guidance and wisdom that emerges from the heart and soul is one of the most profound tools we provide.

2. Understanding the Territory – where we start and where we are going: We describe personal and spiritual transformation as The Ultimate Paradigm Shift in our book and course by the same name. It is a transformation from experiencing ourselves as limited physical beings who are victims of forces that are larger than ourselves to magnificent spiritual beings who are here to create the lives we were born to live. Understanding the territory is essential for progressing successfully on the path.

3. Having a Roadmap for Manifesting our Dreams and Living Fully: When we start to recognize our creative potential as magnificent spiritual beings, we begin to focus on manifesting the life of our dreams. Without directions, a lot of people get stuck on the path from being victims to creators. It’s like trying to travel across country without a roadmap. Our map provides specific steps anyone can take to manifest what we call the “heart of success.”

CLICK HERE for more on the roadmap.

4. Identifying the Stages in our Spiritual Development. This, too, is built into the energy field, in an evolution of the seven major energy centers (chakras). As the Success Roadmap provides keys for success on the outer level, these seven stages provide keys for integrating more of our soul’s truth into our inner experience of reality. As we strengthen our relationship with the soul and the infinite intelligence that unites us all, we experience personal and spiritual transformation.

CLICK HERE for a description of the stages.

5. Knowing How to Avoid Getting Stuck: This is where the importance of identifying roadblocks that show up on the path comes in. Opening to our full potential involves transforming limiting beliefs, judgments, and emotions that hold us down so we can lift our spirits to new levels of awareness.

6. Having tools for Clearing the Roadblocks: Our focus here is on clearing the roadblocks as quickly and easily as possible with the goal of moving freely forward with joy and ease. We’ve seen a lot of people struggle with inadequate tools, unnecessarily difficult tools, or no tools at all. We spent years honing our approach with transformational results.

Our focus now is on powerful healing techniques that provide wonderful results, including the following:

7. Being Willing to Reach Out. While having tools for personal and spiritual transformation can take us a long way on the journey, most of us encounter some roadblocks we can’t overcome on our own. We’ve been there ourselves and know beyond a doubt that some of our blocks were too deep for usĀ  to be able to overcome them on our own. At such times, personal consultations with skilled professionals can provide a tremendous boost.

On a related note, it is also important to have a spiritual community as a place of belonging on the journey. Many spiritually-oriented seekers feel alone, and an unsupportive environment can slow progress.

Your Path to Personal and Spiritual Transformation

We hope these tools inspire you to take action to move forward on your path to personal and spiritual transformation. As we all know, having access to a toolbox is one thing. Using it is another. Many people are busy doing things that aren’t taking them where they want to go. This is frustrating and unnecessary. Wherever you are on the journey, you can start to take more steps in the direction of the life you were born to live.

As new thought pioneer Wallace Wattles suggested:

“The very best thing you can do for the whole world
is make the most of yourself.”

When we started on this journey, the resources available to us were limited. We wish we could have had tools like the ones we now provide. We dedicated decades to researching, experimenting, creating new tools, and developing books and other resources that we now use in our courses and programs. And the journey continues…

Our most comprehensive offering is the year-long Holistic Coaching and Healing Certification Program we offer as an internet-based course. This program covers all seven of the elements introduced here. Participants have access to live weekly webinars and practice labs, where they can get answers to all of their questions and hone their skills.

The results participants report are indeed transformational.

If you’d like to explore this program, we’d be delighted to discuss your possibilities.

Schedule your planning session here.

