Do you accept yourself, warts and all? The first part of this question might get an immediate yes, but there may be a pause when it comes to accepting your blemishes.
Accepting yourself means acknowledging yourself as you are. Like justice, it just is. You just are. This entails some figuring out of who you are and being okay with the different parts of yourself.
To get clarity, let’s first identify what self-acceptance is not. Self-acceptance is not…
* …blaming and putting yourself down
* …inflating yourself
* …denying what is happening to you
Before we suggest ways to accept yourself, consider this: Psychologist Carl Rogers observed, “The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I change.”
Paradoxically, then, to become a better you, you must first be okay with who you are now.
In EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) terms, “Even though I have this [issue], I deeply and completely accept myself.” Then the tapping realigns the thought with the energy circuits.
If you can accept yourself, even with the warts, you’ll bring peace of mind and cultivate a mindful wisdom.
How then do you accept yourself? Here are four ways: