How blissful are you? And for that matter, what is “bliss”?
Like happiness, bliss can be a feeling (“I’m feeling blissful”) as well as a state of awareness (“I am in bliss”).
Joseph Campbell, renown scholar and author, famously gave the advice to “follow your bliss.” He connected this intention to the hero’s journey and following your deeper passion.
To put things in perspective, a blissful journey sometimes is fun and spontaneous. It can also involve challenges, with no easy fixes or instant gratification.
In this context, following your bliss means engaging your body-mind-spirit with goals larger-than-self.
The Alchemy of Bliss
Let’s examine further the different, jewel-like facets of bliss. Bliss is a transcendent flow – it allows you to let life flow though you. It’s a heartfelt mixture of happiness, joy, wonder and more.
Bliss also has a strong unconditional element to it. It’s not conditional, like “I’m only happy when I’m ____ [with my friends, partner, family].
Yes bliss recognizes preferences — but does not get attached to them: “I’d prefer being with him, but I’m good being by myself now.”
Bliss is the master converter and alchemist, truly making lemonades out of lemons. It also savors the sweet moments, the triumphant moments, and the quiet moments.