We’ve had an eventful year in 2022 and look forward to this new year! We’d like to share some of our top 2022 articles (with accompanying videos) from our award-winning Holistic Life Coach Blog: The titles of the article link to the full article. The One-Step Miracle What’s a miracle hidden in plain sight? It’s …
The energy of a new year is a natural time to look ahead and set goals. But, as you know, this initial spark can soon fade over time. The better diet, exercise, organizing can start out fine and soon peter out, as the old habits boomerang back to the old set point.
What’s Going on with Goal Setting?
A goal is defined by Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary as “the end toward which effort is directed.” It can help give us direction so we are not spinning our wheels and just letting life pass us by. A goal may motivate us to take challenging actions (change of diet, exercise, routines) now to experience a better future.
As research shows, though, goals can easily become too difficult and defeat our will. What started out as a loft intention can ironically end up lowering our self-esteem in what turns out to be another failed attempt.
Your life is a story, a unique and personal one. Did you know that you can choose to turn your narrative into a hero’s journey?
Here’s the challenge: it’s easy to be unaware of your heroic possibilities as you get lost in routine, distraction and hurry-and-worry.
So let’s look at how you can become the hero/heroine of your own story – consciously authoring your own life.
What Limits Your Story
What holds you back? It’s largely the limiting beliefs, programmed into us by authorities and carried over from generation to generation and lifetime to lifetime.
Is your soul calling you? … Yes, it is – so then the question becomes: Are you listening? At first, the messages may seem like an inkling, or perhaps a glimpse. “Maybe I just imagined it,” you might say, part dismissively, part wondering.
Yet by paying attention to the promptings from your deeper self, your life takes on a different quality, with more meaning and depth.
Two Important Questions
A central theme to life is waking up. This awakening leads to two important questions: What are you waking up to, and what are you doing prior to awakening?
Which of the following scenarios is more inviting?
You struggle in a dog-eat-dog world, continually trying to be on top of things. Life becomes a daily survival of the fittest. Or…
You know that you live in an inclusive world, where everything is connected. You learn from the challenges, creatively and compassionately problem-solve and live your heart’s desires.
The first scenario illustrates existing on the Competitive Plane. The second one gives a taste of the Creative Plane. More on these important terms in a moment.
A helpful way to understand yourself is to observe how you operate, what model of reality you tend to use. Said differently, what is your framework? How do you orient yourself to being in the world?
Here is a great clarification for this important topic. Over a century ago, Wallace Wattles described the Creative and Competitive Planes in his classic works The Science of Getting Rich and The Science of Being Great.
These “planes” are states of mind that govern our thoughts and actions. They determine our way of being and how we show up in the world.
What lights you up? What brings a smile to your face, straightens your posture, makes you lean forward and ready to go?
Our dear friend and colleague Micah Blacklight discussed activating your creative spirit on a past Soulful Living Show. He emphasized finding ways to embody a space that lights you up, which serves yourself and others. This light-you-up spot is the “happy point, the juice.”
The phrase “what lights you up” contains many wonderful elements. Let’s unpack four of its treasures, so we can use them to create an extraordinarily fulfilling life.
As a note, know that the “lighting up” can come from within or without. Internally, we may get sparked by a thought, feeling, memory or energy state. Externally, we might connect with a person, place, event or thing.
What lights you up has all of the following elements:
Two things are required to awaken in this lifetime: opening your mind and your heart.
As you open your heart and mind, wonderful things happen to you.
With an open mind and heart, life becomes a wondrous adventure, one of continuous learning and creating. You are able to be more in the moment ─ and notice more of the synchronicities that surround you.
On the other hand, when the mind and heart are closed, our view is limited. These blinders reduce emotions to constrictive ones, like fear, doubt, and anger.
It’s essential to open both the heart and mind. A too-open heart can cause you to be naïve and overly trusting. You lack discernment and can be the fool rushing in where angels fear to tread.
On the other hand, if your mind is open but your heart isn’t active, then you may become overly mental and analytical. You know things but are lacking a feeling about them. Feelings may be hard to fathom and identify. You can grow detached from life and love.
As a note, for this article we are speaking of the mind that connects with source, not the physical brain, which filters the mind’s thoughts and energies. The mind uses the brain to communicate with the physical body.
We are also speaking of the spiritual heart here, not just the anatomical heart. The spiritual heart is a bridge to the soul and spirit. It opens us to the timeless realms ─ this connection then sends a transmission so we can be more in our body and present to our experience.
Here are a few suggestions for opening your mind and heart.
To state the obvious: the pandemic sucks. But complaining only gets you so far before it turns into its opposite ─ and then a negative attitude becomes another problem to deal with.
So instead, let’s look at what good can come from the pandemic. (Did they say “good”?) In other words, how we can use the pandemic rather than be consumed by it?
Are you asking the right questions? Perhaps more basically, are you asking ANY questions? Asking the right questions is critical for success in work, life and spiritual growth. As coach and holistic practitioners, it is central to our work as well.
Let’s explore why questions are so essential to living fully.
We often discuss ways to be more hopeful and live a grounded life, one filled with joy and fulfillment. Let’s start with a useful question: What gets in the way?
One of the signs that a person is off-course is living too much on autopilot. That means letting the unconscious and others direct your life. It means being run by habits and routines, continually putting out fires in order to complete to-do lists ─ and starting all over again tomorrow.
Here’s another question then: How do you get out of this Groundhog Day kind of existence? How do you stop the momentum of hurry and worry and break the cycle?
In order to bring in more hope, aliveness and wisdom, pause and start to question. In other words, be aware of whether you’re just reacting and continuing on uninterrupted.
Take a breath… Explore what’s in this moment, as well as take in the big picture.
Here then are three ways to start asking good questions: