Holistic/Spiritual Life Coaching and Healing

Holistic Life Coaching: Access Your Great Potential

How do you access your great potential? Watch the video below on holistic life coaching to get essential tips…

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This short video explores how to access your unlimited potential. It’s the first lesson from our Free Holistic Life Coach Minicourse.

These life coaching tips lead to powerful coaching questions:

“Why don’t I access my full potential?”
or “How can I access my full potential?

Living fully is the greatest adventure you can have. So why not go for it? (Another coaching question).

A holistic life coach uses body-mind-spirit to consciously live life and live fully.


1. Waiting for the perfect time.
“Someday” never comes. Waiting for the perfect time can be an excuse for going forward now (which is the solution) Congrats too for checking out this post, as part of going forward.

2. Needing others’ approval.
Have the courage to follow your dreams, without worrying about others. Give yourself permission to follow your heart’s calling.

3. Staying stressed and confused.
As the old saying goes, if you just stay on the track, you will eventually get run over. Staying where you are is stressful. Finding a direction releases energy and motivates you to live fully.

Other suggestions to access your great potential include:

  • Journaling.
    You could journal on getting clear or achieving your goals. Daily journaling, even if only a few lines, provides tremendous insights and focus as research has shown.
  • Find an accountability partner.
    Connect with a person to share your goals and help support you. You can support that person too. Instead of following the mainstream (obstacle #2 above) create your own buddy system, one that supports you to live fully.

The above suggestions can develop your life skills coaching. Recognize that you do have great potential.

So that’s some ideas to get started on becoming your own life coach, drawn from Lesson 1 of our Free Holistic Life Mini-Course. There are nine more key lessons…

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