The Magic of Inner Peace

World peace, as you know, starts with you. Having personal peace uplifts yourself and others ─ producing loving thoughts, kind actions and creative aliveness.

But how do you embody inner peace? Let’s look at four ways to promote your own personal peace.

1. Intend to be more peaceful

Your intentions matter. That’s where peace starts.

I (Phillip) had to set aside my cynical side of envisioning cut-out happy faces to embrace a deeper sense of peace and happiness.

With more superficial notions aside, you can intend each day to be more peaceful, happy and loving. Your conscious intent will make you an active participant in creating this kind of life.

If people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be, as Abraham Lincoln said, then we can decide to align with the happier more peaceful side of life.

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Fear of Selling and Spiritual Growth

Do you enjoy selling?  Well some people do. Many others, particularly holistically minded people, find selling doesn’t come naturally to them. They may have many negative associations about selling. They may even have a strong fear of selling (selling out?).

Yet what’s most important here,  looking at the big picture, it becomes apparent that selling is part of the spiritual journey to wholeness. Thus it’s good to face any fears or contradictions around this area of our lives.

What is Selling?

Part of the confusion with selling is that it has two definitions. One has to do with persuading people, the other has to do with transferring goods or services in exchange for money. Each can present challenges, especially when money is involved.

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Mastering Life’s Mystery and Energies: The 4 Keys to Mastering Your Life

How do you gain mastery? The definition of mastery is “comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment.” What’s more, how do you master life’s mystery and energies?

In this article, we will first explore gaining mastery of a particular subject – then expand to discussing how to gain mastery of your life as a whole.

Examples of masters are Shin Lim the magician who recently won America’s Got Talent, Roger Federer or Serena Williams in tennis, or Izhak Perlman for his violin ability. To master something, you must put together certain elements, then you will not only begin to act like a master, but live with mastery in that realm.

First, a suggestion: Don’t sell yourself short on becoming masterful. Before we get specific in our examination of mastery, let’s say one need not rise to the very best artist or athlete on earth to gain mastery.

There’s no requirement to be part of an exclusive group of superhumans to become masterful. Mastery is open to virtually anyone who is willing to follow a certain path that leads to advanced accomplishment in a certain area.

One consideration to understanding mastery is that sometimes there are external measurable standards to guide you, like speed or wins or skill level. Then there are internals that are harder to measure, which come from the unique expression and life experience of each person.

Let’s look at the four key components to help one gain mastery.

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Spiritual Intimacy and Connectedness with Your Partner

Do your partner’s eyes glaze over when you talk about spirituality? Can you freely share your interests with them on holistic subjects (intuition, spiritual growth, the big picture, connectedness and more)?  Is your partner even interested in such areas?

We are talking here about a spiritual connection and spiritual intimacy, one many people, even in partnership already, long to have.

By spirituality, we mean interest in self-actualization and self-transcendence, including evolving to be the best version of yourself, united with the universe and oneness. It includes both elevating your awareness and seeing things from a larger and larger perspective.

For women in particular, it can be a serious concern when their partner doesn’t really care about such matters. Women seem to be naturally drawn to the intuitive, relationship side of life. Men, on the other hand, tend to be more logical and action oriented, even though there are many exceptions for both sexes.

Why Won’t He Join Me?

So for many people, they are frustrated with their partner’s disinterest in spiritual matters.

We sometimes help people get through this tough challenge. The difficulty often revolves around:


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About Your Spiritual Hygiene and Evolution

Your spiritual evolution and and spiritual hygiene are directly connected.

Let’s clarify some terms and figure how it all connects… We know that personal hygiene refers to being physically clean and presentable. In general, such hygiene maintains ourselves, keeping us fresh and socially acceptable to others.

On another level, we can develop spiritual hygiene. By that we mean how you keep yourself relatively clean (without being a fanatic about it) on ALL levels: physically, emotionally and mentally, which synthesizes spiritual hygiene.

Note: Spiritual hygiene is not about moral purity or following some strict external code. Such rigid behavior and inflexible approach leads to problems such as being judgmental, as we will discuss.

Here are four important ways to keep your spiritual hygiene up, for greater integrity, living fully and spiritual evolution:

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Are You Too Judgmental?

Have you ever thought you might be too judgmental? Before answering, let’s figure out what it means to be judgmental in the first place.

To live fully you need to become wise, which includes being selective. Yet many of us shut down developing our ability to discern in fear that we might become too judgmental. Ironically, criticizing ourselves for evaluating things just stokes our inner critic more.

As a result, on the one side, we may become timid and stuck. On the other side, we may become harshly critical. In either case, we are falling victim to becoming judgmental, whether too meek or too critical.

In other words, you can become a mute or a loud boor.

So you can see that there is much confusion about being judgmental, which we hope to clarify in this article.

Judging or Evaluating?

Sometimes people mistake evaluating for being judgmental.

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Our Best Tips for Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

Building Confidence

Success coaches say confidence is one of the most important keys to success. This makes sense when you think about it. So, too, does the value of doing what it takes to build more confidence and self-esteem. The confidence tips you’ll find here can light up your life with a rainbow of colors.

It’s unfortunate that confidence skills aren’t taught in school. The result: to create the life you deeply desire, you have to do it yourself. Fortunately you can light up your life by boosting your confidence and self-esteem, if you put your mind to it.

What happens when you lack confidence?

Low confidence and self-esteem can be pretty debilitating. No rainbow there…

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How to Have a Strong Mind and Live Fully

Everyone wants a strong, healthy body. How about a strong, healthy mind?

This subject is particularly important with the rise in Alzheimer’s disease cases. With more people being affected, there is an urgent need to fortify the brain. Alzheimer’s and other kinds of dementia incubate for a long time. It can take many years to develop, so this is a good time to bolster your mind, and by extension, your brain.

What’s more, we want to go beyond just preserving our mind. We want to keep it as fresh and energized as possible.

What is “Mind”?

We are referring to “mind” as your consciousness that directly influences your physical body and brain.

Also …

* In turn, the body and mind are influenced by the environment.
* Also the brain, like the body, is material; the mind is immaterial.

Five Lessons from the Body to Have a Strong Mind

To get clues about a healthy mind, let’s consider characteristics of a healthy body. Since the body is physical, it’s easier to see what makes it work well.

Other points here…  

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Rewiring Your Brain for Ultimate Success

We all want to succeed. To rewire your brain for ultimate success, two important questions then follow:

  1. What does success mean?
  2. How do you make sure you are going in the right direction?

Most people at first are drawn to the outer trappings of success: wealth, possessions, status, things. This can be useful, necessary and fun. But it is limited if it eventually it doesn’t connect to what those outer manifestations point to: the underlying energies of success.

In other words, at a certain point success needs to be connected to deeper things, more inward development than outward accomplishment. Namely, a deeper sense of security, meaning, purpose, fulfillment and contribution. This inner shift first takes awareness, then some time, some effort and focus.

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How to Open Your Heart: 5 Ways

You do want to open your heart. Without it, life is cold and heartless.

Much of the world’s conflict comes from a heavy, closed heart. By opening your heart, and keeping it expansive, you will help yourself, others and the world to be a more loving place.

To help, here then are five practical suggestions …

1. See unity in diversity.

The world is made of different races and nationalities. People have taken the distinct differences between groups to artificially divide themselves based on fear and prejudice.

Yet our multi-cultural, multi-international world is a tremendous resource.  Just as each person is unique, each race and culture is special too.

Being more inclusive means being open and respectful, even to those who disagree with you.

By interacting and learning from others, we can value everyone more, including ourselves. Throughout our rich diversity and history, we all share the same planet together.

Heart-Opening Question:
How can I help myself and others and learn from those who have different backgrounds from me?

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