To improve and grow, what do you need? A greater perspective. This leads to greater thinking and feeling, better actions and more resilience.
Let’s connect the dots to help put us on solid ground. We’ll draw on scientific findings to show how shifts in thinking, feeling, and acting occur. Specifically, we’ll examine three branches of science – neuroscience, epigenetics and heart rate variability – which support changes that accelerate spiritual growth.
What’s a key indicator of how you experience your life? It’s your emotional and spiritual set point. Your emotional set point is the range of your daily emotions, from high to low, and where you tend to hang out. Learning about your different set points can be revealing and awakening. What’s more, your emotional life …
Sometimes miracles – those unexpected transcendent experiences – come into your life. Wow! They light up your life and shine onto others.
One such miracle happened to us 15 years ago. While taking our morning walk, we received this special mantra from above: “Anything is possible and miracles are happening now!” Just the receiving of this phrase was miraculous, plus the lifelong benefits of using it.
How do you create your best life and fulfill your purpose? For success, you need three main ingredients to make things come together and be in the flow of your best life.
So here are the three essentials: knowledge, tools and support. This potent, alchemical mixture fuels your purpose, which comes from a dream of a greater, fulfilling life.
With the above elements, you create not only a wonderful life for yourself. Your life links to creating a better world. You then play your unique part in raising the world’s consciousness and connectedness.
As you may know, to realize your dream now is sorely needed for the state of world affairs. Change starts with you, from moment to moment. It can create an organic sphere of influence and a wonderful momentum going forward.
Here then are the details on these three must-have ingredients to lift your life to higher ground.
We live in a mental, scientific-dominant world. This costs-and-benefits world, where things must be physically measurable, has helped us make progress – but there are problems and limitations. Yes holistic-minded people and practitioners are aware of this needed balance. Yet too often the heart is undervalued. It just remains at the knowledge level, not really …
How blissful are you? And for that matter, what is “bliss”?
Like happiness, bliss can be a feeling (“I’m feeling blissful”) as well as a state of awareness (“I am in bliss”).
Joseph Campbell, renown scholar and author, famously gave the advice to “follow your bliss.” He connected this intention to the hero’s journey and following your deeper passion.
To put things in perspective, a blissful journey sometimes is fun and spontaneous. It can also involve challenges, with no easy fixes or instant gratification.
In this context, following your bliss means engaging your body-mind-spirit with goals larger-than-self.
The Alchemy of Bliss
Let’s examine further the different, jewel-like facets of bliss. Bliss is a transcendent flow – it allows you to let life flow though you. It’s a heartfelt mixture of happiness, joy, wonder and more.
Bliss also has a strong unconditional element to it. It’s not conditional, like “I’m only happy when I’m ____ [with my friends, partner, family].
Yes bliss recognizes preferences — but does not get attached to them: “I’d prefer being with him, but I’m good being by myself now.”
Bliss is the master converter and alchemist, truly making lemonades out of lemons. It also savors the sweet moments, the triumphant moments, and the quiet moments.
We’ve had an eventful year in 2022 and look forward to this new year! We’d like to share some of our top 2022 articles (with accompanying videos) from our award-winning Holistic Life Coach Blog: The titles of the article link to the full article. The One-Step Miracle What’s a miracle hidden in plain sight? It’s …
Which of the following scenarios is more inviting?
You struggle in a dog-eat-dog world, continually trying to be on top of things. Life becomes a daily survival of the fittest. Or…
You know that you live in an inclusive world, where everything is connected. You learn from the challenges, creatively and compassionately problem-solve and live your heart’s desires.
The first scenario illustrates existing on the Competitive Plane. The second one gives a taste of the Creative Plane. More on these important terms in a moment.
A helpful way to understand yourself is to observe how you operate, what model of reality you tend to use. Said differently, what is your framework? How do you orient yourself to being in the world?
Here is a great clarification for this important topic. Over a century ago, Wallace Wattles described the Creative and Competitive Planes in his classic works The Science of Getting Rich and The Science of Being Great.
These “planes” are states of mind that govern our thoughts and actions. They determine our way of being and how we show up in the world.