Self Development: Reaching Your Highest Potential

Our recent blog discussed self-development as one of three lines of development in what we call the Transformational Triad. We all want more from life. In our search, deep questions like “Who am I?” and “Why am I here?” call us to rise to our highest potential.

Maze of Questions about Highest PotentialWhile these questions are inspiring and engaging, they are also confusing. They can trap us in a maze. Our brains don’t generally know what to do with questions about the deeper meaning of life.

What is Your Highest Potential?

From a holistic perspective, where everything is known to be connected, it seems like you should be able to answer this question and you can. The key is to avoid looking in all the wrong places, which many people do.

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The Three Lines of Transformational Personal and Spiritual Development

The Three Lines of Development

Our answers to the age-old questions – “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?” – form the foundation of our lives. It makes sense. Your perspectives on who you are, why you are here, and where you are going become your reality. These questions also define three lines of transformational personal and spiritual development.

Each of us is unique, as are our responses to these age-old questions.

As we evolve, our perspectives evolve.

It’s a beautiful journey and reflecting on these questions can open doors for a miraculous transformation we call “The Ultimate Paradigm Shift.”

From the perspective this shift, we would answer these questions in this way:

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Dealing with Negative Emotions: Letting Go of the Demons

How do  you deal with negative emotions? We all have difficult times: setbacks, losses and the consequences of poor choices. The more time you have lived longer you live, the more challenges you’ll face.

Of course, we want to shorten the times we experience negative impact and quickly recover and restructure. We also want to learn and grow from life’s challenges and hardships.

With uncertainty and tough times come troubling emotions: doubt, anxiety, loneliness and fear.

Releasing negative emotions is about reframing them. Let’s see how to reframe – look at through a different lens — challenging feelings that we inevitably face throughout life

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The Miraculous Power of Spiritual Healing

With more twenty-five years in the field, we’re still learning more about the miraculous power of spiritual healing. Using a holistic approach, we now understand spiritual energy as our deepest and most powerful resource for healing, accessing higher wisdom, and setting your course in life.

Healing Light“Our darkest moments
call us to find the light.

This light is universal. When we discuss spiritual healing, we’re not referring to any specific spiritual beliefs, just the realization that we are spiritual beings in physical bodies.

From this perspective, we have also seen that everyone is evolving, that everything and everyone is in a beautiful process of becoming more … of progressing on a path to wholeness.

Even when a physical condition is the result of an accident or has a hereditary or environmental component, it may be understood to be a step on our evolutionary journey.

Dr. Christine Page described the power of spiritual healing this way in her book Frontiers of Health: From Healing to Wholeness:

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Seven Essential Tools for Personal and Spiritual Transformation

Personal and Spiritual Transformation Quote

The desire to evolve and grow is built into each and every one of us. Curiosity about who we are and why we’re here never wanes. It’s part of our essential nature and reason for being alive.

Effective tools for self-discovery can be priceless whether you are an individual seeking keys for growth or a holistic professional serving others. And if this subject is as fascinating to you as it is to us, you’d probably be thrilled to have a complete box of tools for personal and spiritual transformation.

This post provides an overview of seven essential tools for personal and spiritual transformation, with links to more free articles and opportunities.

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In the Zone: Where It Happens

Being in the zone… remember the thrill of being fully engaged in something that intrigues and enlivens you, sparks your creativity and problem-solving?

It might be singing or dancing, writing or videotaping, healing or coaching, or the wonder of playing with a child or pet.

After the thrill is over, we come back to everyday routines and maintenance, and if our life is relatively in order (for the moment), we are happy and content.

four-ways-toget-inBut lifting yourself into the zone is part of a joyous life, the place where so much is unknown, exciting and possible. Here are four fun ways to get  there:

1. Dream and live your dream.

There is a magic in thinking big. You may have a dream of a better world: social justice, racial and sexual equality, a protected environment and more. To find a way to contribute, consider your talents, skills and interests. Therein lies the key to making a difference.

One lady we coached wanted a world that had a more functional medical system. This inspired her to pursue energy work to follow her heart and make the world a healthier place.

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Wealth & Happiness: Are You Buying Happiness?

What do you spend your money on? Part of happiness and wealth comes from how we spend our money.


Social scientists and researchers explore the ways people spend money and how it creates happiness. They sometimes divide spending into two basic categories: spending money on things and spending money on experiences.

Both areas can be rewarding or wasteful, depending on how you use that symbolic paper or credit that you have. Plus it’s not an either/or choice, with one way being better than the other.

Here are a few points to note…

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Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence: Keys to Your Best Life

Emotional and Spiritual Intelligence Quote

In our work as holistic coaches and trainers, we continue to be amazed and inspired by the way everything is connected. Within each of us, a beautiful wholeness – an integration of the body, emotions, mind, and spirit – is occurring as our awareness of our true identities emerges.

We all want to create the best life ever and here’s the key. Everything in our inner and outer experience is significant in relation to the big picture of who we really are: wonderful spiritual beings who are here for a reason, each with dreams and unique gifts to share.

Isn’t the Thought of Creating the Best Life Ever Inspiring?

The transformational potential of your emotional and spiritual intelligence is a key factor in the quality of your life. This potential also applies to your intelligence at the mental and even physical levels of our being.

Exploring these vast inner resources has taken us into new territories and higher heights that have transformed countless lives. With a holistic approach, we’ve seen that you can become aware of how the body, emotions, mind, and spirit contain pieces of the puzzle of who you are and why you are here.

Awareness is a key for creating our best life and every part of your being can support you in wonderful ways when you learn how to access our true intelligence and potential.

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Accelerated Spiritual Awakening and Transformation: Three Shortcuts

Many on the spiritual journey long for a deep spiritual transformation. We’ve been there and maybe you have, too. As we advance spiritually, we stretch limits to reach into the unknown and awaken to the divine presence of the soul. Within each of us, a beautiful butterfly is waiting to emerge.

Spiritual Transformation Butterfly

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.

– Richard Bach

We often describe spiritual awakening and transformation as a reality shift or paradigm shift. As the caterpillar grows wings and learns to fly, each of us evolves and rises from one plane or perspective on reality to another, where everything is more expansive. We call this the Ultimate Paradigm Shift in our book and course by the same name.

What does Spiritual Awakening and Transformation Involve?

This has been a key question and area of fascination for us over the years. We’ve explored the nature of the spiritual journey as seekers, coaching and healing students, then innovators and experts. We’ve always had a keen interest in spiritual transformation, along with the stages each of us must pass through as we awaken to our true identities.

We’ve studied a variety of spiritual traditions, scientific breakthroughs, and leading-edge perspectives. Like many people, we experimented with different things, and discovered that many are dead ends or slow roads that don’t seem to be worth traveling. Fortunately, for the last 20 years since we started Awakenings Institute, we’ve had the benefit of observing how transformation occurs in hundreds of our own students and clients.

What We Found

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