Transform Your Life with Gratitude

What’s often the missing ingredient for love, healing and manifestation? Gratitude.

Gratitude is being thankful and appreciative, and more…  Expressing it in your life is a game-changer. Gratitude can bring you up when you’re down. It can create a wonderful view alive, keeping you strong and flexible.

Learning how to express gratitude is a key to a wonderful life. Let it transform you. Here’s how…

Gratitude: The Magic Elixir

Gratitude can get you through the morass of life, in all its uncertainty and confusion. It can help life make more sense.

When you use gratitude, it become a magic elixir for an empowering, transcendent life. It redirects your attention to goodness, even amidst the bad. It gives you a fresh outlook. You connect with others and yourself more. As research shows, you become healthier, happier and can even live longer.

You realize you are fortunate in so many ways. As you focus on your good fortune, it grows into abundance and prosperity, too.

Providing a backdrop for your life, gratitude can help you better handle loss and overwhelm. It provides a way to becoming a more open, humble person.

To make gratitude grow with all its wonderful benefits, you must plant the seeds. How? By practicing it. Include gratitude in your journal and meditation.

Also, gratitude and wonder arise from appreciating nature; the sky, the earth, the water all around us. It just takes an intention to do so.

10 Gratitudes – A Starter List to Express Gratitude

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Fear of Selling and Spiritual Growth

Do you enjoy selling?  Well some people do. Many others, particularly holistically minded people, find selling doesn’t come naturally to them. They may have many negative associations about selling. They may even have a strong fear of selling (selling out?).

Yet what’s most important here,  looking at the big picture, it becomes apparent that selling is part of the spiritual journey to wholeness. Thus it’s good to face any fears or contradictions around this area of our lives.

What is Selling?

Part of the confusion with selling is that it has two definitions. One has to do with persuading people, the other has to do with transferring goods or services in exchange for money. Each can present challenges, especially when money is involved.

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Mastering Life’s Mystery and Energies: The 4 Keys to Mastering Your Life

How do you gain mastery? The definition of mastery is “comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment.” What’s more, how do you master life’s mystery and energies?

In this article, we will first explore gaining mastery of a particular subject – then expand to discussing how to gain mastery of your life as a whole.

Examples of masters are Shin Lim the magician who recently won America’s Got Talent, Roger Federer or Serena Williams in tennis, or Izhak Perlman for his violin ability. To master something, you must put together certain elements, then you will not only begin to act like a master, but live with mastery in that realm.

First, a suggestion: Don’t sell yourself short on becoming masterful. Before we get specific in our examination of mastery, let’s say one need not rise to the very best artist or athlete on earth to gain mastery.

There’s no requirement to be part of an exclusive group of superhumans to become masterful. Mastery is open to virtually anyone who is willing to follow a certain path that leads to advanced accomplishment in a certain area.

One consideration to understanding mastery is that sometimes there are external measurable standards to guide you, like speed or wins or skill level. Then there are internals that are harder to measure, which come from the unique expression and life experience of each person.

Let’s look at the four key components to help one gain mastery.

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About Your Spiritual Hygiene and Evolution

Your spiritual evolution and and spiritual hygiene are directly connected.

Let’s clarify some terms and figure how it all connects… We know that personal hygiene refers to being physically clean and presentable. In general, such hygiene maintains ourselves, keeping us fresh and socially acceptable to others.

On another level, we can develop spiritual hygiene. By that we mean how you keep yourself relatively clean (without being a fanatic about it) on ALL levels: physically, emotionally and mentally, which synthesizes spiritual hygiene.

Note: Spiritual hygiene is not about moral purity or following some strict external code. Such rigid behavior and inflexible approach leads to problems such as being judgmental, as we will discuss.

Here are four important ways to keep your spiritual hygiene up, for greater integrity, living fully and spiritual evolution:

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Are You In Control? How to Take Charge of Your Life and Destiny

Do you feel your life is basically in control or out of control? And how much control do you actually have over your life?

These are essential questions. And to respond intelligently, one needs to take into account some important considerations, which we will now examine.

What Areas Can You Control?

Here are some areas that you can control, at least to a certain extent. You can say that you are in control of your…


Such control means you have a realistic sense of what’s involved with the area. You also feel good relating positively to the particular area (with your health, time, energy, etc.).

Negative Control

Some people veer toward being too lax, without boundaries or attention. This lack of awareness can lead to negligence and destruction.

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How to Have a Strong Mind and Live Fully

Everyone wants a strong, healthy body. How about a strong, healthy mind?

This subject is particularly important with the rise in Alzheimer’s disease cases. With more people being affected, there is an urgent need to fortify the brain. Alzheimer’s and other kinds of dementia incubate for a long time. It can take many years to develop, so this is a good time to bolster your mind, and by extension, your brain.

What’s more, we want to go beyond just preserving our mind. We want to keep it as fresh and energized as possible.

What is “Mind”?

We are referring to “mind” as your consciousness that directly influences your physical body and brain.

Also …

* In turn, the body and mind are influenced by the environment.
* Also the brain, like the body, is material; the mind is immaterial.

Five Lessons from the Body to Have a Strong Mind

To get clues about a healthy mind, let’s consider characteristics of a healthy body. Since the body is physical, it’s easier to see what makes it work well.

Other points here…  

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Life Purpose: Three Things That Give Life Meaning

What is your life purpose? What gives your life meaning? We all know life has its ups and downs, times of clarity and confusion. Yet it holds a rich meaning, one that you unfold through living your purpose. Your purpose motivates you to do and be your best.

You could describe your life purpose as the life that you were born to live. This all-important topic is explored in-depth in Awakenings Institute’s Holistic Coach and Healer Certification Program.

Three Things About Your Purpose that Give Life More Meaning

Here then are three factors, often overlooked, that affect your life purpose.

1. Your purpose keeps evolving, which gives life even more meaning.

You might stumble on your purpose. Also, you might discover it by doing something you enjoy.

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The Three Lines of Transformational Personal and Spiritual Development

The Three Lines of Development

Our answers to the age-old questions – “Who am I?” “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?” – form the foundation of our lives. It makes sense. Your perspectives on who you are, why you are here, and where you are going become your reality. These questions also define three lines of transformational personal and spiritual development.

Each of us is unique, as are our responses to these age-old questions.

As we evolve, our perspectives evolve.

It’s a beautiful journey and reflecting on these questions can open doors for a miraculous transformation we call “The Ultimate Paradigm Shift.”

From the perspective this shift, we would answer these questions in this way:

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In the Zone: Where It Happens

Being in the zone… remember the thrill of being fully engaged in something that intrigues and enlivens you, sparks your creativity and problem-solving?

It might be singing or dancing, writing or videotaping, healing or coaching, or the wonder of playing with a child or pet.

After the thrill is over, we come back to everyday routines and maintenance, and if our life is relatively in order (for the moment), we are happy and content.

four-ways-toget-inBut lifting yourself into the zone is part of a joyous life, the place where so much is unknown, exciting and possible. Here are four fun ways to get  there:

1. Dream and live your dream.

There is a magic in thinking big. You may have a dream of a better world: social justice, racial and sexual equality, a protected environment and more. To find a way to contribute, consider your talents, skills and interests. Therein lies the key to making a difference.

One lady we coached wanted a world that had a more functional medical system. This inspired her to pursue energy work to follow her heart and make the world a healthier place.

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